Inconsisant rules?

In the show on May 31, 2023 the category about US presidents seems to have been inconsistent.
When someone answered Addams they had to clarify they meant John Quincy Adams.

When someone answered Harrison they weren't asked to specify.

That seems like inconsistency in enforcing the rules.


In the particular question you mention, Adams had to be clarified because there were two President Adams and she needed to know which President Adams was being referred to. In the case of Harrison, there was only one President Harrison so there was nothing to clarify.

Having said that, there have been many inconsistencies since Alex passed. The game is definitely changing, and not for the better IMO. I'm totally addicted and still watch, but I find myself getting more and more annoyed. It was much more consistent when Alex was the host.


The correct answer to the Harrison question was not "Harrison" but "William Henry Harrison". President William Henry Harrison's grandson Benjamin Harrison was President of the USA from 1889 to 1893.

It was inaccurate of you to say that "there was only one President Harrison so there was nothing to clarify".


You're 100% right! I didn't remember that there were two President Harrisons. So yes, it was extremely unfair to have one contestant have to clarify which Adams but not which Harrison. Very unfair and very shoddy hosting. Shame on the judges too.

As I mentioned in another comment on this thread, the show is going down the tubes.


The suggestion that Alex was responsible for consistency is unlikely. All that stuff is handled by the producers, not the host.


Oh I think Alex had a lot to do with how the show was run and since he's gone, it's going downhill big time.


Do you even realize that the producers have changed?


Yes I do. A lot has changed and none for the better.


I have one from tonight that's really bad! The question was about a sweet treat that originated in France and the guy answered macaroons! His answer was accepted and it's 100% wrong! The correct answer is macaron, a completely different type of cookie than a macaroon. Macarons originated in France and they're little sandwich like cookies filled with something sweet like jam or buttercream. Macaroons originated in Italy and are made from coconuts are are not sandwich cookies.

Mayim accepted his answer of macaroons and the judges didn't call him out on it. This show is going down the tubes.


I may not be as inconsistent as you suggest.
If Adams was a correct answer, then it would be necessary to clarify.
If neither Harrison was correct, there would no need to clarify further, right?


Answering in the form of a question has been inconsistently enforced as well.

That said, I think Mayim and Jennings are doing a great job in general.


The OP is correct. One contestant had to clarify which President Adams it was, but the other contestant didn't have to clarify which President Harrison it was. That's not only inconsistent, it's extremely unfair. This show is getting ridiculous!


The same or different questions?


Different questions. The answer to one question was Adams and the guy was asked to be more specific. The answer to another question was Harrison and that guy was not asked to be more specific, it was just accepted. There were 2 Adams and 2 Harrisons. Very unfair.


You should also look at my comment about the macaroons/macarons. This was not just a mispronunciation, it was a completely different food item, a completely wrong answer. Alex would never have accepted it.

I'm a big fan of the game for many years but it's definitely going down and it's very disturbing to me. Alex was much more in control of things, kept it very professional and consistent.


The host is not the person who decides if an answer is correct or not. The producers are. They can always overrule whatever the host says.


I don't know how long you've been watching the show but Alex MANY TIMES did not accept answers if they were wrong! The host is the first one who says right or wrong on an answer and then the judges get involved if they see fit, and they, as well as the hosts, are letting lots of wrong answers and inconsistencies slide.

I'm going to extricate myself from this discussion. You may not have been watching the show as long as I have and therefore not aware of how much the show has come down. Or maybe you're OK with it. Either way, I'm out of here. Have a good night.


I started watching in 1971. How about you?

He's got an earpiece through which the producers can communicate so you have no idea where a host's actions stem from.


Happens all the time. Sometimes a contestant gets to change their answer if their first answer was wrong, sometimes not. Seems to depend on the mood of the host.


Yeah there is kind of an "untimed" time limit within which contestants are getting away with changing their answer because Ken doesn't give an immediate "no". They sense that pause and start blabbing out corrections. I think maybe Alex was quicker to say NO, and NO meant NO. Only one try was ever allowed, IIRC.
