MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2002) Discussion > It's a shame what a sexist movie this tu...

It's a shame what a sexist movie this turned out to be

The only main female character we have is Mary Jane and they portray her as just a prize to be won between Peter and Harry. She's just a damsel in distress with no help at all to Spider-Man. The fact that she had to be saved three times. And I'm not saying she needed to be a scientist like Gwen Stacy and Michelle Jones. But, there's no way characters like her would be around today. I always wished we could get a Spider-Man 4 as a chance of redemption to improve Mary Jane's character and give her more to do. Cause especially the third movie was a disgrace on her character to have her Broadway career dashed and to be quick to leave Peter just because Harry told her to.


Shut up, Feminazi!


Spider-Man 4: Redemption (20??)

MJ receives Peter's powers in a supernatural storm and shoulders his mantle.


She's awful in SM3. Her whole character motivation is that she's jealous and angry at Peter because he's succesful and she isn't, so she acts like he's the bad guy and sleeps around with his best friend. Peter could probably get a pick of any woman in NYC, he should raise his standards.


She's just proud.


So to be proud means to be unsupportive and unfaithful with your significant other?


Oh hey Rachel Zegler. When did you start posting here? Will you do a Q&A here now that your career is over?


How come you wait nearly 20 Years to complain about this movie claiming it's sexist, yet, when this came out, it was a Huge Hit, especially the upside down kiss in the rain?? Have we reached the point where we're going to find fault in that scene??


I agree. Not to mention the TC would probably hate the Superman and Batman movies that came before. Yet it's just this movie that somehow has the bad female character in it.


because he just turned old enough for his parents to let him watch it.


Oh just fuck off with this crybaby fake outrage of yours for a movie 20 fucking years old and by the way, this so called "Sexist" movie was on top of the fucking comicbook movie world in 2002.. It's The HULK 2003 that sucked badly after the superb and greatness of SPIDER-MAN 2002.. And that upside down kiss was the talk of the world at that time because it was awesome and how women should've been portrayed and not like how you see in 2023 heading into 2024


I'm a woman and I say YAWN to your comment.
