RIP Paul Allen...

who passed away from cancer yesterday at age 65.


Hey Paul!


Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now, you f***ing stupid bastard!!


Why are you talking to Paul like that, Patrick? I thought you were his friend.


This is all impossible. I just had lunch with Paul Allen, twice, no more than 10 days ago.


Paul Allen. The cancer killed Paul Allen with an attack to the lymphatic system. His body is decaying in a casket in the ground.


There is a moment of sheer panic when I realize that Paul's casket overlooks the park... and is obviously more expensive than mine.


You live in a casket?


It's strange that your message says "posted 2 years ago" when in fact it hasn't been 2 years since Paul Allen died (he died on October 15, 2018) so it should technically still say "posted 1 year ago"


darn almost two years? time flys when you're paying of a meager amount of credit card debt. I'm looking into this lambda tech bootcamp but i'm sure I knew about it back then just wanted the debt gone before I pursued it. I almost feel like robbing a bank and choosing a life of crime,

other ideas I have is recording music, moving to hollywood for acting or at least my 15 minutes of faME, twitch streaming, youtube content, truck driver, mailman,

I honestly want to make money, this freaking country is cruel and unforgiving,

