Repeat Viewings

This is one of those movies you can watch over and over and never get tired of it. It seems to get better with age. It's my favorite QT film.


My all-time favorite movie, and I probably watch it once a month.

Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!


It's my second favorite of his. I've watched it a few times. It never gets old. Jackie played the hell out of Ordell.


I think this is slowly becoming my favourite QT film!


yeah I agree with that


I’ve seen Jackie Brown more times than I’ve seen Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill 1&2, so that means it’s currently my second most-viewed QT film after Reservoir Dogs (I prefer Jackie Brown but RD is fittingly more rewatchable). And I agree, this film only gets better every time.

I’m curious about how Once Upon a Time In Hollywood will turn out (very excited for it), but Jackie Brown for the longest time has probably remained my favorite.


I actually think RD and PF are more rewatchable, but it IS one of those movies I always watch whenever it's on. It's definitely underrated.


Too long, badly edited and boring. Other than that, it’s average.

“Murder your darlings.” Outstanding editing advice that egoists like Quentin will never take.

If you enjoy it, good for you.


A bit too long perhaps, but other than that, no, it's just fine.


Yeah I like it a lot as well.
