MovieChat Forums > Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) Discussion > Who's your LEAST favorite character and ...

Who's your LEAST favorite character and how would you fix them?

As the title says. Who irked you the entire series? Which character got under your skin or felt useless or just gave you the perception that they made the show worse by being present?

Then, how do you feel you'd make the character better? Not simply removing them from the show but making them more...



The Dawn storyline is actually why I quit watching the show, but I don't think fixing or even removing her would solve all the problems the show had by then. Riley had already put me off in the fourth season.

If we're talking about the first three seasons (my favourite) I would say Angel was pretty bland outside of the Angelus storyline. I would've made his personality a bit more interesting, not make him so broody. The next thing I would do is change David Boreanaz' acting and facial expressions.


Andrew. Unfortunately the only way to improve him would have been to have him go the way of his partners and kill him off.


Dawn - I would just make her part very small. Or make "the key" something else entirely. She is just so annoying.

The 3 Nerds - They had a purpose but they start to get too much as well. I always skip over the episode where the nerd Johnathon(?) becomes world leader/Mr Cool and everyone loves him.

Anya - I never really understood her naivete. She is new to being a human but she was one previously, she has also spent a lot of time around them. Why is it all so hard for her?

Faith - Cool at first but starts up with the bratty tantrums.


Dawn - I can see where Dawn was necessary to the Glory arc, but then Glory was the most excruciating of the big-bads. Axe them both.
Glory - See the above point.
Anya - Cringe worthy every time she opened her mouth.
Andrew - why the hell did they fight to protect him???
Fantasy Jonathan - just no. Real Jonathan? Not much better.
Spike - I never really understood the appeal. But is THAT why Buffy never killed him? Because the show wanted a hot bad guy? He wasn't that hot. He was just an annoyance.

I can't list Buffy as a least favorite, but I was a little miffed that after season 5, she had NOTHING to do with defeating the "big bads." Season 6 was defeated by Xander and the final season was saved by Spike. Maybe that's why they kept him alive.


Keep Spike as a recurring villain. Never have him fall in love with Buffy.


Dawn. She came out of nowhere and felt like a random edition.
I d fix her by not having her or make her related to another character


Riley and Tara.


The three nerds some of the worst eps ever. Just the way their story arc drags on and we end up stuck with Andrew for the rest of the series.

How would I fix it? Just much less of them.
