MovieChat Forums > Wolf (1994) Discussion > 70 million dollar budget.

70 million dollar budget.

Where did it go?


Not in CGI.


Probably Nicholson and Pfeiffer's salaries.


Apparently the entire last third of the movie was reshot, though as far as I know the original footage has never seen the light of day. That and Nicholson and Pfeiffer's salaries probably account for most of the budget.


Back in those days, making yellow CGI eyes cost $10 million apiece. So that's $60 million right there for Nicholson, Pfeiffer and Spader.


Back in those days, making yellow CGI eyes cost $10 million apiece. So that's $60 million right there for Nicholson, Pfeiffer and Spader.
There were no digital effects at all in this movie, as has been noted elsewhere on this board.
And even at the time, computer effects were not where near that expensive. Terminator 2, released three years earlier, has 42 shots with CGI and all of them *combined* cost $5.5 million.

It was the reshoot, as I said above, which accounted for much of the film's budget.


yeah the budget is completely nuts - it cost more than jurassic park!


Today this film would have been shot for $ 12 – 18 million, with even same level of high profile actors. Shot in 21-30 days.

This film was granted a $ 55 million budget ( not including the reshoot add ons) In the 1990 the studios made so much money it was a heyday. Everyone was paid well back in the days.
The going rate for a production was $ 500.000 per day. This film took 112 days to shoot including re-shoots. Jack Nicholson was paid $ 13 million.
Michelle Pfeiffer was paid less than $ 6 million.
