The Ned Ryerson theory

What if Ned Ryerson is responsible for the whole Groundhog Day scenario? He was essentially shaking Bill Murray down to “buy insurance” every single day and Bill just didn’t get it. Finally at the end he buys a shitload of insurance and boom he wakes up the next day. Ned is like some kind of supernatural insurance devil or warlock or something


That's pretty interesting actually. Murray thinks everything changed because he became a better man, but he actually has no proof of that. Maybe it was the insurance after all! This could be the basis of a pretty good parody version on SNL or someplace.


Interesting theory, although how does the day that Phil smashes Ned in the face factor into it? You'd have thought that Ned would have been ready for that/would have mitigated against any harm.


Maybe he was committed to the bit.

If he'd have been ready for Phil one day, Phil would've suspected that Ned knew more than he was telling.


You may be right, Ned was Satan.....


I like that idea! Very observant.


sure, why not?


Makes me wonder why somebody with those powers still needs to sell insurance for a living
