Doesn't hold up.

I tried watching this one again after having not seen it in years and it just wasn't as funny as I remember it being. I guess it's better left as a memory.


I enjoyed the film but never found it to be very funny. Saw it on release. It felt like all the jokes were already played out in California where I lived and had yet to spread across the nation. Seriously, more than half the jokes were pretty old by my perspective. Myers was wringing the chamois of institutional joke supply to harvest the leftover virgin ears. Never the less, I like it. As stated before, it is a delightful 90'2 time capsule that is a pleasure to watch. Part two was worse in most ways but still has the same charm value.

SNL WW: 10/10
WW1: 7.5/10
WW2: 5/10


Some people grow up and can no longer laugh at silliness like this. Oh well, I can.


Growing up in the 90s i really did not like the WW movies. Now i am 34 and I really like part 1 a lot. When ever it has been airing on TV i can't help but sit and watch's almost like a guilty pleasure. I remember WW 2 fairly well..and I liked it better than WW1 when I was a kid go figure. I have not actually sat down to watch WW 2 as an will be interesting to see how my feelings are now towards it.


I gotta disagree. Loved it when I was a little kid, and still love it today. Hysterical movie. Now that I'm an adult, the adult jokes in the movie make a hell of a lot more sense too, haha.

"I'll have the cream of sum yung guy."

"I'm sorry, but I believe I requested the hand job."

Classic stuff. Lol.


I also just rewatched it. There were a few good lines, but fuck it was painful to sit through. Typical SNL sketch turned into a movie.
