MovieChat Forums > Pet Sematary II (1992) Discussion > Am I the only one who likes the sequel m...

Am I the only one who likes the sequel more than the first film?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't think the first film was terrible. It was certainly watchable. That Zelda scene will always haunt me. But I really don't understand all the praise that the first film has received. I thought the sequel was far more superior and more entertaining. Whenever I hear the title 'Pet Semetary', the sequel is what always comes to mind. There were just so many memorable scenes. And plus I liked the soundtrack. Overall, I just thought the sequel was better. I know that may be a very unpopular opinion. But oh well...

But can anyone else relate?


Nope, I actually really liked this movie. The original totally sucked for me!


I agree with you. The original was dark and depressing, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but this movie is much more fun to watch. Clancy Brown is fantastic as a crazy deadite. I would compare him to Jack Nicholson in The Shining.


I can see why some would prefer this over the original, cause the original is very dark and depressing and it has a downbeat ending, you just feel very depressed after watching it. Whereas part 2 is alot more fun and crazy, the zombies have more attitude and Clancy Brown gives this amazing over the top performance as a zombie, and it has a happy ending where the family lives and no one dies.

So yeah its totally understandable why some would like this more than the original. I never understood why so many hate this movie, i always enjoyed it and watch it every halloween.


I prefer this sequel and the remake.
The original is trying way to hard to be serious and is just pure camp. Awful acting and dialogue.


I'm glad you mentioned the acting. The performance coming from the daughter was awful.


That girl had to have been the child of someone with some pull. There is no way anyone involved in casting could have thought she was the best they had available.


This one's grown a ton with me over time.. hated it in middle school but now it's one of my favorite horror movies, just got the new Blu Ray on Saturday and dang does it look good!

I feel the same way honestly.. the OG movie is way too dreary and depressing for me. I mean this one's sad as well but it's honestly a blast to watch and is quite fun. I can watch it a lot more in repeat viewings. It has no morality and doesn't try to lecture you on philosophy, nor is it overly dark and brooding like remake was. It knew what it was aiming for and they had a ball with it. Brown's great as well as Furlong and the kids. Edwards is a bit useless but the women are fine; not many dud actors in this one unlike the first one. Midkiff tended to overact here and there in that one and the little girl's a chore to deal with at points even if I do love it. I feel Lambert was having more fun here and it showed.

I got a like from her on Twitter two weeks back.. I did an unpopular opinion post about this one and she found it and liked it.. still blows my mind! Lol.


You like it and that's all that matters. I love the transition from the cemetary to the mother's grave and back in this one. It was awesome.


This movie unlike part 1 fits perfectly into the '90's era of scary movies, with it's rock music, young talent, complete with bully character and hot mom also it had the specific shots and edits they had that appear in other have that distinct 90's feel. That said these things made them likeable and PS2 did that. I like both movies as they both are different in tone and atmosphere.


I agree. This was really a product of its time. Just like most here I really liked this film. I have way more exposure to the second one, but I like the first one too. In fact, as a horror, the first one is superior in my opinion. It's got creep, dread and feels like it hasn't aged. PS2 feels like a 90's flick and, while it is a horror, never really scared me. So, building off of what the above poster wrote, they are just very different films. I don't think one is better than the other.


True. The sequel is definitely a representation of the 90s. And that's one reason I like it so much.


I like the first more but theres great camera work in the sequel.
