MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > what are the best episodes?

what are the best episodes?

I relly like The Bizzarro Jerry


Most of my favorites come from the first five seasons. I love The Pen and The Boyfriend. Another episode, I forget the title, is the one where Jerry dog sits Farfel. His owner was Jerry's seatmate on a plane and the guy collapsed. It's obvious from the episode that Jerry isn't a dog lover! lol

I also love the Marble Rye episode.


I enjoyed in the earlier episodes The Chinese Restaurant, The Pen, The Stranded and The Pez Dispenser. The Fire in the middle. The Chicken Roaster and The Wizard for the later seasons. Truth be told only about 20 or so episodes are worthy of being screened again and again.


The Opposite

Honorable Mention:

The Switch, The Bris, The Contest, The Marine Biologist, The Bubble Boy and The Hamptons

I agree that The Bizarro Jerry is one of the top ones.


I should probably tell you that I watch this show every day.. The Powers that Be behind this show have created it's own 24/7 Streaming service that shows episodes 24/7:

As for the Best episodes?? There really are alot, but "The Lip Reader" was really good, "The Contest", the episode where George thinks he has Jon Voight's vehicle, with Jon spelled with an "H", "The Jimmy" and the list goes on and on


The Soup Nazi
The one with Bookman - Library Cop!



I stopped reading that list once I saw "The Lip Reader" wasn't in the Top 5


So many to choose from, but my absolute favorite episode is Season 5's The Dinner Party.


Seinfeld has so many good episodes. Took a season or so to get going. Last seasons not as good . I am particularly don't care for episodes with Jerry's parents but other than can't go wrong anything in between.


I dont remember the name of the episode, but it was the one where Kramer revealed that he earns his money by murdering elders and disabled people and cashing their social security checks until they get reported as missing.
