MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > When Did You Become A "Seinfeld" Fan?

When Did You Become A "Seinfeld" Fan?

Just curious when you all became a "Seinfeld" fan? I.E.-During it's first run on NBC, on re-runs/syndication, or on DVDs?

I first heard about "Seinfeld" when I was in high-school in the early 1990's. A few of my friends in particular raved about it. I tried watching it at the time, but I just never got into it. A few years later after I graduated H.S. and started college is when my "Seinfeld" fandom began. Around it's second year in syndication in 1996,(holly sht, 20 years ago!), I began to watch it religiously. The good thing was the series was still airing first run eps on NBC at the time, so I still saw the old and new one's. 2 decades later, I'm still watching re-runs almost everyday.

What's your "Seinfeld" origin story?


Through reruns. I was too young to watch it when new episodes were on.

"Metallica loves Equestria."-James Hetfield, October 10, 2010


September 17, 1992… Me, Heather... We're enjoying a beautiful evening watching what we taped the night before on our VCR. It changed our lives from that… day... forward. Our evening was ruined.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsozzzZZZzzz--" - Frank Grimes


When I first saw Newman! I could listen to him talk about mail all day!



Recently - I’d heard great things and thought, ‘why not?’


I started watching just 3 - years back when it aired on Prime. It was from the episode Chinese restaurant that got me interested. And then I got to the episode 'the contest'. I couldn't stop laughing at the concept. I am re watching episodes again on Netflix.

I must say it was my brother who told me to watch Seinfeld. I had no clue about any of the iconic episodes. I just diligently watched each episode whether good or bad. After watching the soup nazi I felt they could not top that. But I still watch reruns and some episodes I didn't like earlier, I like them now.

I have my 13 year old niece who has watched a few episodes with me. She loves the soup nazi, the little kicks and Puerto Rican day. Heck she even refers some scenes which I find amusing.


Mid 90s, when channel 11 started showing reruns late at night.


Pretty early on, maybe from the very first airing of the pilot, but all these years later I can't swear to it. I was familiar with Jerry through his appearances on Letterman and elsewhere, and I liked him. Been a huge fan of the show ever since it originally aired. I was a regular on the IMDb Seinfeld board, you don't see me a lot in the archived posts, but I'm there.


My grandpa started taping it for my grandma in about 1996 and by the time it was done we had every episode of Seinfeld taped off the TV on about 9 VHS tapes that would get constantly play in the basement. Every episode except "The Scofflaw" which for weird VHS reasons cut off as soon as Kramer says Pig to the Cop so that became sort of a lost episode in my household.


Years ago when he was on Comic Strip. They had a weekly tv show. I was a kid in the 80s and had a tv in my room. I loved watching the comics.I’d also watch them on HBO and other cable channels. I learned to love the greats Seinfeld, Bob cat, Jeff Durumn, Roseanne, Richard Pryor, Jay Leno, Amazing Jonathan, Penn and Teller and so on. I remember hearing about the Seinfeld show and was excited because I recognized him.
