MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Daniel attracted bullies, now full-blown...

Daniel attracted bullies, now full-blown psychopaths

Much like Rocky, this series seems to built on kicking a puppy - Daniel is a kind, generous, fun, likeable young fella, but he attracts violent sadists who torment and attack him over and over, often getting his friends hurt in the process. This time they don’t just kick the puppy, they stab at it.

For Part III they upgraded the villains to full blown psychopaths. Mike is literally prepared to kill Daniel and Jessica by drowning them in the kove, and nearly lets Jessica fall to her death, sparing them only because Daniel submits to his demands. Terry is a caricature of the cackling sociopathic CEO who charms Daniel and gains his trust, manipulating him so he can see the kid humiliated and beaten half to death in public. And Kreese goes from mean to psychotic, taunting Daniel and bursting out laughing at seeing the poor kid destroyed.

It’s hard to see how Daniel maintains his upbeat nature. Given that the films take place immediately after each other, the guy hasn’t had a break from being pulverised by different violent gangs everywhere he goes since he arrived in L.A., it’s enough to have turned anyone into a super-villain.

Do you really think Terry, Kreese and Mike would let Daniel and Miyagi live after he beats Mike in the tournament? Terry is rich and powerful enough to have Daniel and/or Miyagi rubbed out, or at the very least permanently maimed, and make it look like an accident.

Nothing short of round the clock police protection would keep Daniel safe from the bloodthirsty sadists he attracts like flies on shit - neither the psychos we’ve seen, or the ones Daniel is sure to encounter wherever he goes next.


Update - I had to watch Seagal’s Out For Justice as a palette cleanser after the KK Trilogy - in which Daniel is relentlessly bullied, battered and almost murdered by three movies worth of bloodthirsty psychopaths bent on destroying the poor kid.

Specifically, the scenes where Seagal takes on entire room-fulls of bad guys - that’s the kind of treatment Danny Larusso should have unleashed on his enemies. Highlights were planting a man’s face into the floor of a butcher’s shop, then pinning his hand to the wall with a meat cleaver, followed by punching him in the dick. That would have been a fitting punishment for Chozen.

Rolling a pool ball into a cloth and clubbing multiple bad guys about the head with it, including smashing out a guy’s teeth, was exactly what Johnny and the gang needed in KK1 to cut them down to size.

He blows one guys leg clean off with a shotgun - that would sort out John Creese.

Terry Silver would have benefitted from Seagal’s treatment of Ritchie - throwing him around the kitchen like a rag-doll every time Silver goes to attack, peppered with flurries of quick punches, finishing him off with a corkscrew through the brain, then pumping several magnum rounds into his corpse as a final farewell.

If Daniel could park Miyagi and spend a weekend learning some tricks from a Seagal, I think he’d find the bullies would start to back off.


That's a film I would watch. 👌


Well check out Out For Justice and you’ll get a good taste.

If you’re really keen, you could deepfake Larusso’s face onto Seagal, and the various bullies onto his enemies.


I'll check it out 👍


You're a little backwards - bullies seek people out. It's not t he weaker/nicer person's fault, it's the bully's.


I didn’t say it was Daniel’s fault, I just observed that he attracts bullies at an alarmingly high rate.


Do you really think Terry, Kreese and Mike would let Daniel and Miyagi live after he beats Mike in the tournament? Terry is rich and powerful enough to have Daniel and/or Miyagi rubbed out, or at the very least permanently maimed, and make it look like an accident.

Yeah, there's no way Whinielle and Miyagi got out of the parking lot alive.

I can just imagine the scene:

(The custodians just finished rolling up the mats and stacking the chairs-- Pat Johnson is about close up and turn off the gymnasium lights and notices Whinielle and Miyagi still standing around nervously holding the trophy.)

Pat Johnson: Are you gentleman going to be on your way? The gym is closing.

Whinielle: Think you could let us stay awhile? Maybe we could help clean up... then later..

Pat Johnson: Haven't you got any place to go son?

Whinielle: It's not that it's just..... hey do you know where the restrooms are?

Pat Johnson: Right out that door and to your left.

Whinielle: Great thanks. (To Mr. Miyagi) I just bought us some time... we can take a really long time in the restroom and maybe no-one will notice and we can stay here overnight?

Miyagi: Aye Whinielle-San.. we leave this gym we dead. We make new life in gym restroom.

(Several hours later.. a pizza delivery man show up at the gym).

"I have an order for a Mr. Mee Ah Gee?

(Whinielle pokes his head out of the restroom) "Hey! It's Miyagi!" That food is for us. Give it to us in here and.... uh.... you never saw us"


Look, you really have to start taking your medication again. These fantasies of yours are getting out of control. This is my only reply to you on this topic so just look at the facts will you?

Do you really think Terry, Kreese and Mike would let Daniel and Miyagi live after he beats Mike in the tournament? Terry is rich and powerful enough to have Daniel and/or Miyagi rubbed out, or at the very least permanently maimed, and make it look like an accident.

Yeah, there's no way Whinielle and Miyagi got out of the parking lot alive.

YES, YES THEY DID GET OUT OF THE CAR LOT ALIVE. We know this because of a certain show called Cobra Kai let's us know this. If your counter is 'Ah but Miyagi isn't in Cobra Kai', then let us not forget he was in the Next Karate Kid which is set some years after KK3.
So please, for your own sake start taking your medication again.


That's my point WA.... Whinielle & Miyagi only survived because they lived in the gymnasium restroom for years after the tournament.

You are just sore because you lost all your students.

Now you know how Kreese felt in KK3.

You're broke and you're going nowhere.


"It’s hard to see how Daniel maintains his upbeat nature. Given that the films take place immediately after each other, the guy hasn’t had a break from being pulverised by different violent gangs everywhere he goes since he arrived in L.A., it’s enough to have turned anyone into a super-villain."

To be fair there's about a 5 or 6 month gap between the end of 1 and the start of 2. As far as we're aware, he has a happy few months with Ali and no drama. Maybe we need another movie - The Karate Kid 1.5 to fill in the blanks here.


Well 2 starts immediately after the tournament in 1, they leave the building and we’re straight into Miyagi brutalising Kreese.

The next scene takes place some time later, but is this ever clarified?


Yes. He's just been to Prom


Yeah but how much later is that?


It is clarified. The Caption when Daniel is pulling up after prom says "Six Months Later"


Seeing as Prom is usually near the end of the school year then about six months later.


Daniel is a kind, generous, fun, likeable young fella

Delete your account.


He is. You might hate him for it but he is.


You forgot to mention he's a lying sack of shit.

Delete your account.


That’s a momentary blip which he almost immediately regrets and bounces back from. A one-off, totally different to the recurring characteristics that I was describing, which form his personality.


Absolutely correct. That action was a result of Silver's manipulations.


Do you mean lying sack of shit like saying your friend (John Kreese) has died?

Delete your account....both of them.


Silver didn’t lie about Kreese. He was using a metaphor Kreese “died” because those two jerks destroyed his business. Fortunately Silver the true friend he is rejuvenated Kreese and made Whinielle and Miyagi pay. Now delete your accounts WA. You destroyed the IMDB boards and apparently not even incarceration and execution were able to rehabilitate you!


Delete your accounts you lying sack of shit.


Why do you bother to post? You’ve lost every argument you’ve ever been in. Even Sam Gerard is embarrassed to be seen with you.


You're joking right?
Either that or you are even more deluded than I thought. You have lost so badly to me over the years you have had to change your username and make up another poster to back you up!

If you call that winning, then shame on you.


Ext. Beach. Nighttime
WearsAlan lays on the sand, wounded, lifeless, defeated. The Kai ride away on their dirt bikes, triumphant.
Drooch: You sure pick cool people to be friends with, SamGerard.
Sparky:where’d you find this guy?



Drooch: He’ll be alright


