Thoughts on Cobra Kai?

Does the new series do justice to the Kai legacy?


Hard to say if it does any justice to Kai legacy. It does tell Johnnys story, which is interesting though.


Two Cobra Kais started brawl in the finale, so I'd say yes.




Daniel’s success in the business world seems unlikely. He was an emotional wreck in KKIII, destined for a life of squalor and obesity.


You should edit that and put in real life after your first sentence.
To be fair Johnnys lack of success seems just as unlikely given his privileged upbringing as far as real life is concerned.

What Cobra Kai seems to be suggesting is that Daniels success is all down to his All Valley wins and Johnnys lack of success is down to him not getting over that loss in '84. Unrealistic, but entertaining nonetheless.


I think Cobra Kai definitely suggests that Daniel used his Karate championships to further his accomplishments, probably due to his increased confidence.

Johnny blames Daniel because life was looking up for him up until the first movie, he was popular, unbeatable. After that he was humiliated and shamed by Kreese. Johnny's lack of success I'm thinking is more related to the storyline where they reveal that his mother has passed and he resents his stepfather for it. As a result he no longer has that affluence. Just seems to accept enough money when he has to. Daniel was just a convenient scapegoat for his downward spiral.


True, but you have to wonder when it was his mother died. Johnny still seemed to have a bright future after the 84' All Valley, but ends up being basically a handyman.


There was a theory on Reddit that said Sid kept using his connections to keep him in good jobs until the recession hurt around 2008, when that happened the alcoholics like Johnny where sent to the chopping board, hence why he's working as a handyman.


I always wound the on line Kai up by saying Johnny would end up a handyman and Dutch in jail. Funny how things turned out eh?


Lol I think everyone knew Dutch would end up in the slammer, after the parking lot scene in Part 2 where he turns away implying he was most likely to follow in Kreese footsteps.


"..probably due to his increased confidence."

Err, sure. But how about his 'local celebrity' status? THAT is an easy-to-exploit facet of his life, confidence or no confidence.




Cobra Kai is perfection to the infinite power!!!
