Still holds up

The Blu-ray transfer is gorgeous and so is Michelle Pfeiffer. I know this film doesn't get much love but I love it. Though the story is rather small in scope I find it to be totally engrossing. The writing, directing, editing, acting and cast are all top shelf. Written and directed by Academy award winner Robert Towne, writer of Chinatown, the story is just a simple crime drama but its executed so well with such a great cast that it completely entertains. It doesn't have all your typical Hollywood ingredients like action, gun-play, violence and sex and I like that. I could see some thinking its boring but as a character ensemble piece, I think its great. 8/10


I forgot all about his film! must see it again soon


dammit , for got to see it again soon ... right , try to remember ...


I miss Raul Julia


Aw man the whole movie changes once he gets in there. He just chews up the scenery. This is my favorite roll of his. Hes so funny and sinister.



Oscar Romero.



I feel the same way about this movie. From the opening credits's just perfect. The style, the tone, the mood....the scenery, music, performances....perfect. And incredibly sexy. (Heck, you even had DAVID SANBORN in the soundtrack). Each actor/actress was in their absolute prime in this film. You just don't see movies like this anymore. It's an underrated, almost HIDDEN gem. The first time I saw it was in the movie theater with a girl I had just started dating, and it became "our movie". She eventually drifted away from me, such is life. But whenever this movie comes on, usually on some obscure cable channel at 11:30 at night, I'll watch it and think of Lori, holding her hand and starting to fall in love with her.



I agree about new movies, they mostly suck. Even Green Book which was a good enough film was rather passe and it won the award. It was also a character driven story and had some really good parts but ultimately didnt blow me away. Dont forget to include films from the 60's on your list which included some of my absolute favorites like The Graduate, Cool Hand Luke and the most excellent Lawrence of Arabia. There were very many really good and excellent films made during this period.



Its funny because I never really considered "old" movies (pre 60's) until recently. I love Casablanca and have seen and enjoyed many other Bogee films too. I would rather watch an old film now than most new one's. I cant say I am a big Welles fan though, C.K. and T.O.E. left me flat. Got any recommendations? My favorite genre is thriller/mystery. Thanks!



I meant old ones, anything from the 70's going back. I watched the Ipcress File yesterday and thought it was meh. Also which Christopher Lee Dracula movie do you think is best? I Like Dracula P.O.D.



No worries. I am catching up on old Hammer horror films and the like, theres a lot I have not seen from those older decades. I probably have seen most everything of note from the 80's forward unless it is some obscure gem I overlooked. Thanks!


Yeah I thought it was pretty good as well.
