Why I hate this film..

I remember watching this film in high school around 2007. It was for a theater club's movie night. I was told it was one of the best movies ever. People, however, treated it that night as a rocky horror screening and I was so confused. Why was this funny? I saw how over the top it was and thought "okay, it's so bad it's good". Then I read reviews for it. People took it seriously.. this just turned me off because I couldn't figure this movie out.

So tell me, IMDB, why is this a good movie?


Your first time seeing this movie should not be with a bunch of people who have seen it several times. They will say the lines along with the film and make allusions to things that haven't happened yet in the film. This will seriously inhibit your understanding of the plot and what's going on. It will also make it difficult to hear and understand the jokes. The same with The Big Lebowski. Your first time seeing it should probably be by yourself otherwise you'll be subjected to similar actions and made to feel stupid because you've never seen it and don't understand what's so funny.


This guy probably isn’t on this board but just a PSA to anyone interested: don’t base your opinions of a movie on what a classroom full of teenagers say and if you do, don’t expect other people to justify your own inane ramblings.


Good points.


I think you're putting your thoughts into other peoples' heads and trying to justify your own outlook on it. That doesn't work out well in the real world. Personally I take it as a lighthearted fairytale. It's not meant to be taken to seriously nor is it a goof. It's a way to kill a few hours without an obligation to something more than an interesting and entertaining story.


It has rhythm. It's ridiculous and fun. Try the book some time by Goldman. It has an entire forward about how disappointed he is in his fat son.

The whole movie is like listening to a song. Yes, Andre's English is terrible. Yes, the score is hit or miss. Yes the sets are cheesy at times.

However, it never fails to answer when you want a nice, pleasant, easy going movie.


I didn't enjoy it, don't see any of the hype in the least. I finally watched it just within the last year after hearing again and again how I must watch it and I thought it was truly horrible. I think part of it is I don't care for that lead actor, the guy from Saw, his voice drives me crazy and it was just overall terrible and unfunny.


"it was just overall terrible and unfunny."

"unfunny"? it is one of the most 'dry humor' rich films ever created. I guess if you don't like dry humor you won't like it but some of us love dry witty humor and this film is basically the best example of it.

It is not only a great film (and it is objectively great by nearly every measure) but is also one of my personal favorites. Cary Elwes is also very funny in his delivery, much like he was in Robin Hood men in Tights years later. There is a reason why Mel Brookes (one of the funniest film creators ever) hired Elwes for the role after seeing him in Princess Bride.


Never seen it.


I recommend it; it is one of my my top 10 favorite films.


*thumbs up*


but also it might be fair to mention if you don't like dry humor, you might not love it. The film is very funny but an an extremely subtle and dry fashion. The action is great but it is also filled with subtle silliness and over the top (almost Nintendo like) music.


Thanks, the music thing might actually bother me a lot!


it is not constant throughout the film but does come up during a few scenes and is really over the top. It does it for kind of a comic effect; you know like an exaggeration; but to some it might just be annoying. I actually love it and think it perfectly executes what it is trying to do; but I do also understand that it is not for everyone.

If you do end up watching it, I would love to know your thoughts.


I agree with artless. One of the all time great family comedies.


That is true; it is fun for the whole family where as many other fantasy films are a little too intense or adult (or violent) in their themes. Where as Princess Bride you can show 5 year old without concern. Granted my 4 year old loved Lord of the Rings so maybe I am wrong about kids not liking the more intense fantasy.


Autocorrect changed your name to artless. Sorry about that.


no worries about that; autocorrect has failed me more times than I can cunt. ;)


A Rocky Horror Picture Show experience can ruin anything. Sadly, it was ruined for you. I don't think there is any hope for you to change nor understand. Abandon ship.

Personally, I love PB. It is a pleasant fairy tale that manages to be clever and sometimes a little funny. It takes itself seriously except when it doesn't yet still achieves tonal consistency. The best description is "lovely"

I hate RHPS. 1st time I saw it, the theater was loaded with a bunch of punk rockers who had great jokes and gags. I thought "wow, these guys turned a shitty movie into something funny." So years later, I brought a date to another few RHPS events, hoping to have a similar experience. It was full of lame jokes, nuisance physical humor, and rampant attention whoring. People on stage in costume acting out scenes, everyone shouting along with the singing, etc. I realized that they actually LIKED the movie. They weren't really there to riff on it and have a yuck at its expense. I watched it again on tape a decade later and made a discovery: it was worse than I remembered. Even worse than having a bunch of wanna-be actors talking over each other, singing sour songs, and pelting each other with rice while watching. Turns out that those things served to distract from the 0/10 movie.


It's not a bad film: it does have some good ideas, some good performances, and some good scenes.

The problem is that like A Christmas Story, it's a film that's FAR too impressed with itself.

It's not the writing or acting: it's the pervasive, underlying "aren't we cool?" tone.
