MovieChat Forums > The Golden Girls (1985) Discussion > Times where you felt sorry for Rose

Times where you felt sorry for Rose

What episodes did you most feel sorry for Rose, and think that they were mean to her for no reason?


I have quite a few. In season 1, when Dorothy's sister, Gloria, comes for a visit, and Rose is telling the girls about how close she and her family were, and is sharing a really nice memory of when the family would go out for burgers on Saturday nights. Blanche, angrily, slams the door in her face. That scene I didn't find funny at all. Just mean spirited.

In season 2, A Piece of Cake, when Rose made a cute little balloon animal and named it Scotty, and Dorothy, being mean for no reason, pops it and says, "Now you can call him Garbage." And then tells her to help Blanche. I would of told Dorothy to go to hell.

Of course, there's season 4 when her sister Holly comes to visit and they don't believe her about how Holly not as nice as she seems. Blanche and Dorothy both know what it's like to not get along with their sisters, so they should've believed Rose.

Any others?






since you're bumping, i'll bite.

i did empathize with rose during the holly episode, but i didn't "feel bad" for her because i knew dorothy and blanche would see the truth in the end. that's how sitcoms work: there's always a resolution (and usually it's a positive one).

as for A Piece of Cake, i thought this was funny because it seemed so abrupt. the show hadn't yet turned into a parody of itself with nonstop insults and cliches about each of the girls.

i don't really remember the scene you're referring to with gloria––probably because i didn't see it as a big deal.

honestly, i think you're probably projecting your own feelings onto rose and taking things to heart too much. i say this as a longtime fan and fellow human. lighten up kid


Hi! Thanks for your response, and I will, LOL, I was just interested in other people's opinions. :)


"honestly, i think you're probably projecting your own feelings onto rose and taking things to heart too much. i say this as a longtime fan and fellow human. lighten up kid"

Djeez, maybe you should take your own advice. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the OP's question. It's actually a legitimate question as Rose was the target of many snide remarks because she could be so annoying, but there are indeed a few times the others went too far. Blame it on the writers instead.


maybe you should relax?

i provided a thoughtful reply to OP's (legitimate) question and i still think they were being a bit sensitive. you, on the hand, are being VERY sensitive.


Lol, talk about being OVERsensitive. You seem to have a habit of telling other people they're overreacting and to "lighten up" or "relax" when there's no sign whatsoever they're getting worked up about anything. Projecting much?


I agree with all of this, I remember the bit with the door in the face. Very rude!


The pig episode wherein they were hoping the pig dies so they get the $100,000.


In season 2, A Piece of Cake, when Rose made a cute little balloon animal and named it Scotty, and Dorothy, being mean for no reason, pops it and says, "Now you can call him Garbage." And then tells her to help Blanche. I would of told Dorothy to go to hell.

Supposedly, Dorothy felt a right to do that since Rose "wasted" her time on something "pointless" and "stupid".
(They were supposed to decorate the living room with the balloons for something, if I remember correctly.)
However, I agree with you that it was an unnecessarily mean thing to do to poor Rose and not funny at all.


The episode where Blanche dreams that her husband wasn’t actually dead. Blanche is trying to decide whether to let him back in his life and doesn’t want to talk to him. Blanche consults with Rose and Rose says that she should definitely at least talk to him because she wishes she had a chance to speak to her deceased husband for the last time.

And also the episode where Dorothy is addicted to gambling and Rose willfully let Dorothy rip her off of her $100 in her account. I felt so awful for Rose.


Loved the dream episode! Why feel bad for Rose? Just because she got so upset? It was a sad kind of emotional moment.
I felt bad for her when she was going through her addiction to pills, and when she was tried to take advantage of by Bud (I think his name was), who pretended to be in love with her and an old army buddy of Charlie’s.

I could go on, but I won’t! Haha. These aren’t really times they were mean to her just times I felt bad for poor Rose.
