MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) Discussion > Do you hate Willie Scott more or Short R...

Do you hate Willie Scott more or Short Round

Yeah short round was cute when you were 9 or 10 years old watching it. But now he's become annoying. Granted Willie Scott is annoying. Which is worse? Short round for me. At least you can jacket to Kate Capeshaw


Short Round, without a doubt. There wasn't even any reason for him to be in the movie, except as kids' appeal.


Willie. I can't stand her. I love Short Round!


Short Round saves the day! I love his relationship with Indiana, he's kids casting done right unlike the Phantom Menace!

Willie Scott screams too much but alot of the time she's playing a girl of her time playing the fish out of water scenario, unlike may of the wooden lifeless female stars of today in these kinda movies she's refreshing to watch and I love her intro to the movie.


Can I pick Spielberg?
Well if the choice is limited to those two, I guess I have to pick Short Round:
I agree he's more integrated in the Asian plot than a vanilla white blonde b***h, but they try to make him into the hero by having him fight and jump like Indy. It's annoying and insulting to our intelligence, even as kids, he gets in the way of the movie itself, not just the scenes.
Willie is just offensive to women in general, but at least she's believable in her actions and doesn't try to be the female version of Indy to prove "see screaming useless girls, you could be like him too!"
So, I pick Spielberg.


I love Short Round. Except later in the movie where he suddenly develops kung fu skills and takes out a dozen Thugee. Love Willie too, but the excessive screaming makes for an unbearable home theater experience. Unlike many, I appreciate a ditzy damsel in distress in a film.


I really liked Short Round
Couldnt stand Capshaw in this one...bad line delivery and she seemed obnoxious to me
Pretty? Yes, very pretty...
But damn she was the worst


Easily Willie Scott because she was such a whiner and she totally got on my nerves, she's the reason why I didn't like Temple Of Doom as much as Raiders and Crusade.


Neither, Short Round saves the day and is an example of a decent child actor not ruining a film, as opposed to Jake Lloyd in Phantom Menace for example.

Willie Scott acts like many people would put in that situation, whilst much of her woe is done for laughs, a little comedy was needed in Indy’s darkest adventure!
