MovieChat Forums > Highway to Heaven (1984) Discussion > Unscriptural and misleading

Unscriptural and misleading

Anybody can feel good. Anyone can weep, feel sad, feel angry, helpless. You name it. Even criminal minded people feel those things. its called human emotion and no one is above it. But those things do not define what we truly are spiritually.

Highway to Heaven is another wishy washy show from Eugene Orowitz, better known as Michael Landon. The man could honestly say "I wasn't a good man, but I played one on TV". People are very foolish to use TV as a shaping block for their soul. Landon was known as a wife beater years back. Committed the worst kind of shameful adultery with his second wife. Then carried on a new family with his adulteress up until his death. The man never once professed his shameful life. He just basked in his Hollywood persona, like many others would. People often have said, "The man made me learn things about myself, so he was a saint".

I remember there was a woman who was the nanny for the Landon family who got banned from the family, accused of wanting money, and pretty much slandered in the public eye to discredit her. Why? Because she didn't like the real Michael Landon and his "tarnished wings". This woman apparently has gone on proving her own credibility over the years. All the while, Landon was still an engraver of fakery.

Let me tell you. Only a fool would think that someone who wears a fake name, gets paid to pretend for a living, is the real deal. That's like claiming that a picture of a glass of water can really be drank. Michael Landon was an alcoholic egomaniac. He just put on a mask to try and cover it up. I am telling YOU this because its high time that YOU grow up. Act mature. Stop following and idolizing Hollywood characters. And most importantly, stop walking your children down that road. Hollywood has destroyed more lives than all the socialist leaders combined.


I like the show and the messages it delivered. Landon was flawed, but we all are.


Agreed, bad people can do good things, and it seems Landon channeled much of his good into his shows.


It's possible to distinguish between a character and the actor.


Even if that stuff were true why should who the actor was in his personal life diminish the show any.The show wasn't about Michael Landon it was about Jonathan Smith.


His real name is EUGENE OROWITZ! He's now dead to me!


When I watched the show I felt like I would never die. Now I'm dead inside!


So Michael Landon is a horrible person because he did bad stuff in his life? Ok.
So did Paul.


Paul did not do bad things after he got saved though. Although, not sure why you are comparing an Apostle with someone who was not a Christian.
