MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Discussion > One special edition change I really love...

One special edition change I really love

Removing that annoying Ewok music at the end and instead we hear some much better more dramatic music. Seriously I don’t know how anyone can stand that stupid Yub Nub song


As with anything, there's always going to be people who will like the old something and those who like the new something.

For me personally, the old song brings me back to being a little kid and makes me feel young again for a moment, as I grew up with it. The new song is quite forgettable for me.


The original sounds like a Barney singalong, the new music is dramatic and it brings a feeling of closure to Anakins journey.


You watch Barney?


Nope, my little brother did though back in like 1993


I like both songs, but neither of them really fit with the film. Like you said one sounds like something you'd hear in an episode of Barney. The other sounds like smooth jazz.


Even as a kid I didnt like the Ewok music, I’m glad they changed it.


I liked that Ewok song.
I wish they had left it.

I'd concede the song though if Lucas wouldn't have inserted Hayden in as the Force Ghost.
I thought Hayden was a terrible Anakin and they didn't put in McGregor as Obi-wan.
It made no sense.


The Ewok song is way too childish and doesn't fit with the dramatic tone of the end of ROTJ. The new music was much more appropriate. As for Hayden being there I understand your point.


I see your point but I don't consider the end of RotJ being dramatic. They did all that up to the pyre scene. It was celebratory and happy. Luke succeeded in what he set out to do, the empire was defeated. It was a happy moment and I think the Yub Nub' song fit fine in that sense of tone. I like the tribal feel to it. However, I also REALLY Love the new song as well, it's a beautiful piece of music so it's probably one of the rare changes that I don't mind. I could watch either version without going into a hyper fan tirade. Hayden Christensen on the other hand...worst. update. ever.


The new dramatic music was more appropriate because when we finally see Anakin again this is really the first time since Phantom Menace that he's happy and at peace. It's just a more powerful moment without Yub Nub which even as a kid I hated.


Love Yub Nub.

Wish they'd left that in there and they'd left all that prequel rubbish - which has nothing to do with the OT and therefore looks incongruous - out.

Love the concept that having the teddy bears singing this song "ruins" the ending for some people, yet the same teddy bears defeating the Empire five minutes before does not 😂 Suck up them bears now non TRUE Star Wars fans...


Oh so a smaller, Guerrilla style force defeating a more powerful army is too much for you? Seriously what is this Vietnam? the American revolution? Lol yeah like that’s never happened before. But no Yub Nub was annoying and was childish and the fact that you like it really scares me. I’m glad they took it out


It's not too much for me at all. Perfectly happy with it. Perhaps you need to re-read my post.

What I was saying was too much for me were those clowns who are ok with that but whinge about the song. I'm perfectly happy with both 👍


And the Ewoks taking down the platoon of storm troopers isn’t too far out of the realm of possibility but that stupid yub nub song was too far, it was childish, it was campy, it didn’t fit the tone of the scene and it was flat out annoying


Pop culture can effect pop culture.

The Ewoks "musical style" influenced The Breeders hit song Cannonball.

The beginning is a obvious tip of the cap to those weird Ewoks.
