Movie has NOT held up well

And I hope it never gets re-made for this reason: the notion of a girl only getting ahead by escaping with a Navy aviator is so...old-fashioned. In the 2013 version, Paula would go off to UW or WSU, either through a scholarship or working on campus, do well and make her own destiny, rather than shuffle around her podunk town and hope that a man sees her as more than a temporary FWB. Women have much greater choices today!

And while I loved the Gossett-Gere interplay, the "I'll never forget you" at the end made me howl!


A remake could still be set in the same era and retain the meal ticket aspect of the plot. Even today, fewer than half of Americans, women included, finish college. The divide between Zack and Paula was more about a class divide than a gender divide anyway, as underscored by Seeger’s presence in the program.


Wrong. Not only does this film hold up well, it absolutely trounces everything out of Hollywood for at least the last five years. Nothing made today even comes close to An Officer And A Gentleman.


And I hope it never gets re-made for this reason: the notion of a girl only getting ahead by escaping with a Navy aviator is so...old-fashioned.

In the 2013 version, Paula would go off to do well and make her own destiny, rather than shuffle around her podunk town and hope that a man sees her as more than a temporary FWB.

Women have much greater choices today!

I'm thinking when this was posted to IMDb 9 years ago that there was no such thing as onlyfans.


The wokeness appears once again....


This kind of thing, women marring military men to escape their home town, is still happening.


feminism wasn't a thing in the 80s?


Some parts of the country are like going back in time 20-30 years!
