Kinda boring

I expected better from such a legendary movie



In my opinion it actually starts boring then it becomes a little more interesting when the scientists arrive at the kid's house and he has to take E.T. away. But the beginning part was boring to me,because there are a lot of scenes of just the kid and the alien looking at each other with no words,and it seemed nothing interesting was happening,it was just the kid looking at the alien and hiding him,but it was kinda boring,maybe the government should have found out about them sooner.


maybe in those days a kid finding a shipwrecked alien and harbouring him from the authorities was interesting

I blame ALF , he probly turned y'all off aliens


Alf was funny! ☺

Perhaps the cat in the microwave inspired too many children. 🐱​


Your opinion. Not everyone's.


I like the first and last ten minutes (not counting the credits). E.T. never took off for me, not even as a kid. I was 12 or 13 when I first saw it, so I'd presume just the right age. Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a much better movie to me. As a teenager I found it boring, but learned to appreciate it's strengths later on. E.T. on the other hand has always been kind of flat line for me.


I was not entranced by it, but I first saw it as an adult. I'm sure I would've really got into it if I'd seen it as a kid.


When I first saw it age....10 or something, I hated it. ET's long neck and wide front pivoted triangle head reminded me of something which I can now describe as one of the long necked monster head things from something like 'The Thing'.
