MovieChat Forums > Capricorn One (1978) Discussion > They would of died anyway

They would of died anyway

Something I just realized. Even if their life support system worked and they made it to mars and back they would of died on re-entry anyway because of the heat shield failure.


Of course they would, but then they would have died and been rightfully celebrated as heroes, pioneers and basically modern day supermen.

As things went though, they will instead be murdered as mere inconveniences.


I assumed that to take the capsule off course by 200 miles to fake the re-entry was not within the tolerances of the heat shield, and it was was something they forgot to think about. It was either too shallow/deep of a re-entry and it burned up in 5 seconds.


I think maybe there would HAVE been some effort to get a replacement heat shield or entire re-entry capsule up in earth orbit for them to use when they got back. Plenty of time to organise that.


Didn't they originally say they changed it's course so they had time to replant the astronauts miles away? The course change could have made a difference.
Or it was supposed to happen on this fake mission to keep the astronauts quiet permanently.


Aren't the life support system and heat shield two separate things? I thought the heat shield failing was a complete surprise to Holbrook's character and that he legitimately thought he would have the astronauts survive and be placed in the capsule once it landed.


Spot on!
While it could be argued that the failing heat shield might have been pre-planned to assure that no one would be around to blow the secret wide open, I seriously doubt that was the case. The heat shield separating was most likely a complete surprise, and - as Kelloway puts it when talking to Mrs. Brubaker - after the heat shield seperated it was over in less than ten seconds.
It was a freak accident that anyone would have had little to no chance of saving themselves from.


Wow. What chapter of MENSA do you belong to?


("Would've"). The life support system was already shoddy so it doesn't stretch credibility that the heat shield would also be faulty along with probably a lot of other components. Also, I thought they engineered it deliberately and always planned to kill the astronauts to stop the truth from getting out.


HAVE!!!! They would HAVE died anyway. Speak English!


Why does language makes you so angry?


I see what you there did.


They would HAVE died anyway.

Your 6th Grade English teacher.

Have a nice day!


Me don't read too good no how. Would of, should of, could of. To me is worse than your/you're.


Would of,
Could of,
Should of.

Ever notice what the first six letters of “shoulder” should be?
