MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Never really saw the point....

Never really saw the point....

I mean, I know the point is spectacle and escape and entertainment...but I just never found it very entertaining, or had a desire to see it again, or any of the sequels/prequels/whathaveyou.

I think one thing that's boring about it is it's ALL MEN! We get one lady in a bad hairdo, and then just scores and scores of guys. So, you know there isn't going to be much depth to the's basically an army film.


Blasphemy! First we got somebody dissing bacon on the General board, and now this??


<< Blasphemy! First we got somebody dissing bacon on the General board, and now this?? >>


I'm sorry : ( I just don't like it much. It's not that I actively DISLIKE it...I'm just, more, indifferent. (EDIT: Well, I guess a LITTLE irritated by I'm -- illogically -- annoyed when a film bores me.)


Well, might I suggest Star Wars is not for you at all? I have to assume you are trolling because if it interests you that little, it seems counter intuitive to be on a board dedicated to discussing said film.


"I think one thing that's boring about it is it's ALL MEN! We get one lady in a bad hairdo, and then just scores and scores of guys. So, you know there isn't going to be much depth to the's basically an army film."

Well I mean it is called Star WARS. It is pretty much a 'army film'. Very heavily focused on military, so it makes sense we do not see many females; especially given the time the film was made. And it is rather sexist though to assume that character interactions lack "depth" just because they are male.


<< I have to assume you are trolling because if it interests you that little, it seems counter intuitive to be on a board dedicated to discussing said film. >>

Sadly, I am not trolling. I posted because the film was on the TRENDING bar when I checked in today. And I was like, "Oh....that one."


Ah, I see. apologies form my poor assumption. Still, I just do not think Star Wars is for you then. If you did not like the first or second, that is.

I think you are knocking it for some wrong reasons, like for example you seem to criticize for being like a military film when it actually kinda is a military film. So it is just going to be more men than women because more men than women choose to be in the military. Also it is possible the Empire does not allow females to serve so at least half the cast does not even have the possibility of being female.

Also it is still sexist to say "you know there isn't going to be much depth to the interaction" just because it is "ALL MEN!" men can have depth in there interactions too you know. That is not a female exclusive treat. There will be less sexual tension between the characters yes, but that is not a requirement for depth of people or character interactions. I would argue the depth of interaction between Han and Luke is every bit as compelling as any relationship between a man and a woman or 2 women.


Leia was a feminist hero ahead of her time... she wasn't conventionally beautiful and she held her own throughout the series.

I could see not liking the film if you saw it when you were older or you just don't like the genre but reducing Leia to a hairdo seems like you missed the point.


FYI feminism was a big mainstream deal when this film came out, and yes, Leia was a terrific feminist hero. Clever, brave, able to hold her own as a diplomat or a combatant, as a general or a commando.

And IMHO she was both beautiful and sensual, particularly in TESB. Carrie Fisher had no reason to be insecure about her looks.


They're rectifying that now with the new movies. Force Awakens and Rogue One each have a woman as the main character and have also ethnically diversified the casts. The few female characters in the previous movies were at least strong ones like Leia and Padme.


<< They're rectifying that now with the new movies. Force Awakens and Rogue One each have a woman as the main character and have also ethnically diversified the casts. >>

Okay, I will check out one of the new ones, and bring myself up to speed. Who knows.....maybe they will become my favorite films of all time.

Thank you.


You're welcome.

I hope you enjoy the movie(s).


I find them all enjoy. The original series was always special. They had the right ingredients and were dark. I even like the direction of some prequels. I hope the next movie works out. The teaser is promising.
