Days of Girlhood

In 2023, social-media sensation Dylan Mulvaney celebrated 365 days of “girlhood” with an 80-minute variety show. Yesterday, Dylan recognized the second anniversary of his publicly claiming to be a woman by releasing a song called “Days of Girlhood.” I won’t comment on how the song sounds, except to say that it is like waterboarding for your ears. Instead, I’ll criticize what the song represents. Here is an excerpt from the lyrics:


If you're a woman and you tolerate this - you get what you deserve.


And here I was thinking that this guy's 15 minutes of fame were over.


he looks a bit like Ariana Grande, he should try doing a live impersonation of her


Not a good idea I think because Ariana flopped with her newest album.


with her fans, Arianna would never flop


This dude Mulvaney has never had a day of girlhood, and never will. His tacky womanface act is an insult to actual XX-chromosome women.


Paris Hilton no longer holds the record for worst attempt at transitioning into a popstar.


At least Paris is 100% pure woman- she sure showed everyone that!


Still on day zero.


How much you wanta bet, if someone digs up his skeleton centuries from now, he'll still be called "a man?"

However, the archeologists of the future probably will recognize the crude methods his plastic surgeons took to attempt to alter his bone structure to do a poor job of resembling a woman, and no doubt his bones will be found to be filled with toxins from all the hormonal drugs he took when he was alive.
