MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > Celebs who got off easy

Celebs who got off easy

Ice Cube has been a racist for YEARS and it reared it's ugly head again last summer: Peddling anti-Jewish conspiracy theories:

He's got a history of this too and has never been "canceled"

Nick Canon was just given his job back:

Sure, he was fired, but that was undone with his rehiring.

Desean Jackson and Malcom Jenkins made antisemetic comments too. Jackson cited Hitler, LOL!

Jenkins said Jackson's comments were "a distraction" from issues black Americans face. He said, "Jewish people aren’t our problem..."

Little-to-nothing happened to these guys.


Add Pedro Pascal to that equating that children being sepearted under LAW for illegally crossing the border with there parents is the same as Jewish concentration camps. His tweet is ine but Gina isn't/ The hypocrisy on the left screams.


I had to google that. Never heard of that one. Yikes... Yeah, that's STUPID.



Sheesh. Proofread, much?


Thank you Grammer Police for correcting me. *sigh*


You say "under LAW" as if it makes it okay. Morality and legality aren't the same thing.


You don't seem bothered about his example though. He is stating that the camps these kids are in are the same as Jewish conecentration camps which is of course a complete lie.

Now you want to have a discussion on the morality or legality as you say then fine but currently that isn't the conversation.


What did he say exactly? I'm gonna need the actual quote for any real context.


He tweeted a picture. Simple google will do this for you just an FYI.

First picture is a camp with kids in supposed to be the camps where they held when they and their parents illegally crossed the border with the date 2021

The second picture is of Jewish concetration camps dated 1944.

He is saying they are the same which is of ocurse a complete lie.

How is he allowed to do that but she isn't. It is because he has his pronouns in his bio, he tows the line and follows the left narrative so he can say and do what he pleases without any consequences as the Twitter mob like to say.


I know Google could do it, but what do I search when I don't know exactly what I'm looking for?
That being said, the way I see it Pascal made a closer comparison than Carano did. Nothing about being a modern republican campares to being a Jew during the Holocaust. Being taken away from your family and put in a cage? That's something that happened during the Holocaust. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.


She never once equated being a republican is the same as being Jeiwsh during the war.

My god it's like talking to children.

She stated the attitudes which is spot on. A republican is being cancelled and persecuted for being a rebublican that has different opinion is the distinction she is making.

And no surpise you defended Pascal. Why does he go unharmed so to speak, I don't agree with him, I think his tweet is dangerous and offensive to Jewish people but he is ok. How can you not see the hypocrisy.

Rule for thee not for me


Except that's exactly the comparison she made. Or did you not actually read her post? She's also playing the victim like Republicans are the only ones that get hate for their political views. Democrats dealt with the same hate for the last four years. Hate that the president was completely okay with.


Quote the part of her post where she made that comparison. We both know you can't though as that only happened in your head you fat sweaty fuck.


But muh six gorillion!!!


James Gunn


Same company too and what he said was 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times worse.




POC? Easy pass. Whites? HELLS NO!


White liberals are somewhere in the middle. James Gunn was punished, but later forgiven. Dems are the rules.
