MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > Has 10+ Albums.....

Has 10+ Albums.....

....that are currently on the Billboard Top 200 Album Chart, with at least half in the top 50.

Why? Yes, granted most are old albums she's re-released her own "versions" of due to her battle with her record label, but still......

Why, why WHY??


Gen Z along with the LGBQT Crowd simply love her and she can do no wrong no matter what and I wouldn't be surprised if she has an influence on Gen Z when it comes time to vote in 2024


I wouldn't be surprised if she has an influence on Gen Z when it comes time to vote in 2024

God help us all😱


It is already well-documented that she has tremendous political power and has significantly influenced local elections before. Look it up if you are interested.


Looking at the Billboard Charts alone right now, & it seems like she's definately "gaming" them too!!




Eh.....debatable. A few decent songs, talented to a degree, but not really my cup of tea musically.

To each his/her own. ;)


understand, record companies purchase their own albums back after they go to sale, so they can pad sales, improving the charts. it's a thing


The new Billboard Hot 100 is up

SEVEN......count 'em.......SEVEN songs in the top 10......including the Top 3, with #'s 1 & 2 new entrys!!!

Not even erezat Beatles can knock her off. In fact, "Now & Then" hasn't even entered the charts yet!!

It's a T-Swizzle World!😱


yeeahhh.... I recall looking at the charts a few years back and her songs were dominating then also, over half in the top ten. I used to be close to some of that action, and knew it was completely impossible. but the way songs were counted - SoundScam, er, soundscan or whatever it was called, made charting kind of pointless now. companies buying out their own stock was the final straw.

i dont recall when, but there was a time when like 1 million "albums" from Beyonce's new release were instantly "sold" and I knew it was physically impossible for FANS to remove that many albums/cds from stores (before digital was a thing) and also read about company buy ups. such fakery.


SoundScam, er, soundscan or whatever it was called, made charting kind of pointless

I regularly bought & read Billboard back in the late 80's/early 90's, when that SoundScan thing started. The whole suppossed point of it was to get more accurate sales figures by linking directly to actual point-of-sale checkout scans of physical media, but naturaly the record labels found a way to game that too.


she has 22 of the top 50? Almost HALF? charts are a joke anymore


that chart is very bizaar!

Monster mash? Thriller? Ghost busters? THOSE oldies are tearing up the charts?? wtf


In the case of "Monster Mash", that does regularly re-chart every Halloween.


In 50 years no one will be able to name a single song of hers.

She exists because something has to fill the void of the music industry disappearing.


Quantity over quality, given over half is just re-releases of her old stuff.


That's the same thing people said about Chuck Berry and The Beatles when they were new. Time will tell, but it would be unusual for an artist of her popularity and talent to be forgotten so soon. Typically there is more like an 80-year arc of fame for musicians, though some transcend that. It seems that performers fade with time, while those who write music can sometimes remain relevant beyond the typical lifespan of fame.


Most likely because she's a talented songwriter and performer. You may not enjoy her music, but clearly many do. Her global fanbase is estimated to be between 300 and 400 million people. To put that in perspective, the entire NFL fanbase is thought to be just under 150 million. Over half of American adults identify as fans of Swift, and it's split pretty evenly by gender. 48% of her fans are male, 52% female. And she's made over a billion dollars and counting. Love her or hate her, she's the most popular musician on the planet right now, and one of the most popular of all time.

Personally, I'm not a fan per se, but I've enjoyed what I've heard of her music. I've never heard an entire Taylor Swift album, but I've heard a number of her hits, and they are all catchy, well-written songs. She knows what she's doing.

I think maybe the main thing she has going for her is that she actually makes her own music. She writes the songs and plays the instruments. That's a rarity among popular artists nowadays. Michael Jackson, Madonna, Britney Spears, and most famous pop stars had a look or a personality that gained them fame, but they weren't much different than karaoke singers. Someone else wrote lyrics for them to sing, over music someone else wrote, and someone else played. That's been the norm for some time. Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley... the list goes on.

Then on the other side, you have those who write and perform music, such as The Beatles, The Smiths, George Michael, Prince, and now, Taylor Swift.


Because she is the best pop artist of all time.
