MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Warren Discussion > Democrat MSM thrilled Liz really is an I...

Democrat MSM thrilled Liz really is an Indian Princess!

She has a native ancestor 6-10 generations back. That's 150-250 years ago. She's 0.1-1.3% native American!


She's like 1/1000 NA, and that might be Peruvian...

Like most black Americans, I have some NA DNA, but a few points Native American doesn't make me Indian any more than my 15% European makes me white.


Whatever percentage it is, it makes her that much more Native than Nativist Donald J. Trump. How much that 1/1000th seems to torment him, and the simpletons that cheer him on!


Trump never said he was NA, either for conversation sake or to get a job...

The fractional percent of DNA we're talking about still doesn't make her Native American, no matter how far they skew the definition. She's admitted to telling Harvard that she *was* Native American (she's not). She also admitted to identifying as a minority in a legal directory. As a minority by accepted definition, I should find that insulting. As a conservative, very little insults me but I can imagine if that a Republican made the same lie, the outrage would be deafening.


The ironic thing is that no AmerIndian is actually "Native American" (like the Australoids of Australia) in light of the fact that their ancestors emigrated from Asia via Beringia several thousand years ago. They're no more "native" than white settlers; their forebears were just here longer.


And they wiped out the native sasquatch!


I have a little bit of Abenaki in me, but look 95% Caucasian. I should whine about the oppression of "my people" and cry out for reparations & build a Casino.


Time to bring out the fireworks!


If this isn't a signal that she's planning on running for President in 2020, I don't know what is.


The Dems want to win, and I don't think another old white lady is going to get them there. I'd bet money they put up a male Latino candidate.


I tend to agree that Warren wouldn’t be their best bet for success. But I still think this DNA stunt is a sign she’ll be throwing her hat in the ring.


Questions for Satan2016, who believes that death threats against American judges and American courts are allowable if the judge is not anti-Muslim enough for him:

Question 1: What percentage is required by your guidelines for referencing an ancestor of that heritage? Please state objective reasons for the percentage you randomly choose.

Question 2: Why do you care about this issue? Is it because you worship the racist Donald Trump?

Likewise, no proof has surfaced that Warren was previously hired as a professor by any university based on her alleged heritage.

The subject of Warren’s ancestry came to national attention in April 2012, when she was a candidate trying to unseat then-Sen. Scott Brown, the Republican incumbent.

The Boston Herald reported that Warren had previously been touted in the 1990s by officials at Harvard Law School, where she was a tenured professor, as an example of the faculty’s diversity. That led to the revelation that Warren — citing only anecdotal evidence — claimed to be part Cherokee and Delaware Indian, and had listed herself as a minority in a directory of law professors from 1986 until 1995.

Brown and others then accused Warren of claiming to be a descendant of American Indians to advance her career in academia, which Warren has repeatedly denied doing.

Let me be clear. I never asked for, never got any benefit because of my heritage,” Warren said in a 2012 TV ad rebutting claims made by Brown.

The controversy resurfaced after President Donald Trump — as he had done before — referred to the Democratic senator as “Pocahontas”
during a Nov. 27 ceremony at the White House to honor Navajo code talkers from World War II.

As you can see, this is yet another ignorant non-issue that only matters to race-baiting white nationalists like yourself.


This has long been my take on Elizabeth Warren (who I for the most part like). Even if she is 1/32, 1/16, or even 1/8 Native American, she is for all intents and purposes a white woman who really has little to no right to claim minority status on an application of any kind. That being said, this lie she may have told over 30 years ago seems to be the sole point of contention against Warren from Trump and other Republicans. The fact that they focus so much on this and so little on anything she has done since tells me that they find very little else they think they can legitimately criticize her on in the eyes of the voters. And my guess is that this probably scares them.


You are a deranged stalker. Reported! Releasing terrorists is despicable. How am I anti-islam?

"Warren claimed to be part Cherokee and Delaware Indian"

She still has no evidence for this. One bit of DNA does not identify a person or tribe. You and Warren are the race obsessed lunatics!


Also let me be clear: You worship an immature, name-calling schoolyard bully simply because he's a rich white man who lost the vote but still got elected.

You are an incredibly ignorant, offensive, and hateful little person. I hope you're as unhappy as your posts here make you seem, because you deserve it.


Also today Trump denies that he ever said he’d donate $1 million to charity if she took a DNA test and it showed she had Native American ancestry.

His exact quote from a July 5th rally in Montana: “I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian”


But she's not an Indian! What is wrong with you people?


Nothing is wrong with me. I just posted what Trump said today and what he said back on July 5th. People can draw their own conclusions as to what he meant then.


My post is very happy. Most people laugh at you people!


99+% evil white person.



White people -- especially heterosexual white males -- are the incarnation of evil itself!!!
