MovieChat Forums > Meghan Markle Discussion > Why do Americans like her?

Why do Americans like her?

The rest of the world, especially the UK, DESPISE HER!

Is it just the whole American girl fantasy of marrying a Prince?


We know why you hate her though don't we Kkkonnie93 LOL


i actually thought she could be a great addition to the royal family when she first surfaced. A modern royal that would be embraced by the non-white world. I was wrong. She's been a total disaster.


i actually thought she could be a great addition to the royal family when she first surfaced. A modern royal that would be embraced by the non-white world.

Prince Philip used to be black


I think there are a few that do, a couple obsessively so, but the further we get from the fairy-tale wedding there fewer there are. It's not like she and Harry are giving them anything to brag about.

I don't like her but I don't hate her, I can't blame her for taking a chance on marrying a prince and seeing what she could make of royal life, it was that or age out of acting, and look for a sales job! But the more I see of Harry, the more I despise him, he's such, a spoiled, angry, useless twat.


This particular American doesn't like or dislike her. Personally I couldn't care less. ONe thing I was interested in is what the ROyal Family actually does to maintain their incredibly opulent lifestyle. I have friends in GB that explained it to me. The Royal Family brings in 28 Billion a year to the British economy. Their cost to the average British taxpayer is $1.50 a year. That's about the best $1.50 investment I ever heard of. Looking at it this way, it makes sense why the Royal Family lives as opulently as they do.


I don't know anyone who likes her.


Americans love her because she snagged one of Diana's kids. Plus, she's half-black so she gets the African-American community and her other half is white so she gets Anglos too.


The real question is, why does anybody dispise her.


Here's why: 1) She doesn't talk to her father, her brother, her best friend, her former husband; she dumped them all in spectacular fashion when they no longer served her purposes; 2) she refuses to reconcile with her father, showing herself to be an ice-queen; 3) She was known as being a demanding bitch when she lived in the UK, and hordes of staff were either fired by her or left, unable to work with her; 4) she has taken Harry away from his father, his brother, his grandmother; she's basically isolated him and made him her own personal possession; 5) she has bad mouthed the royal family, particularly her Oprah interview where she claimed they drove her to suicide and were a bunch of racists;

I could go on. That's enough for now.


You hate somebody over gossip? What's in it for you?


Oh, the situation with her dad is way worse than originally discovered. She actually went out of her way to plot and scheme to make him publish that letter in the newspapers. Jason Knauff, the former head of staff at Kensington Palace revealed this through e-mails she sent him when she needed consultation on the letter she "wrote on her own without help." Did you hear what she did in Australia? Or how she behaved at Givenchy when her dress was being made? How cruel she was to Princess Charlotte because of who her mom was? I was honestly horrified when I read all that. There's a reason her half-brother said she shouldn't be allowed around children. There's also a reason Tyler Perry, Oprah, and the Obamas won't talk to her anymore. They found out her true nature, vs. the fake one that a lot of idiots fall for online.


got it in one, kiddo.
