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Newsbusters: Hollywood Lefties Use The 4th To Defend Abortion

Michael Ippolito
July 5th, 2022 2:28 PM

How did you celebrate your 4th of July? The average American probably grilled some burgers and watched the fireworks. Well, not the Hollywood elite who used America’s birthday to celebrate abortion.

Actress Jessica Chastain, Singer Katy Perry, and author Padma Lakshmi took to Twitter to malign America on her 248th birthday.

Chastain tweeted a lovely photo of herself, flipping the bird with both hands to show her disdain for post-Roe America. “Happy “Independence” Day from me and my reproductive rights.”

Happy “Independence” Day from me and my reproductive rights.

— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) July 4, 2022

How could the most American activity of abortion not be remembered on the country’s birthday?! Ironic that Chastain has “you are fully and unconditionally loved” in her bio but thinks murdering babies is as American as apple pie.


How about she and the left learn to keep their legs closed, wouldn't that be a hoot? Will someone tell this dumb bitch she can still get an abortion in California.


The left doesn’t care about facts, they just want to spew out their lies and false narratives because they want attention. I agree she should just keep her legs close and shut her damn mouth. By trashing America on July 4th you are literally undermining democracy.


Isn't freedom of speech the lynchpin of democracy?


I didn’t say the government should force her to be quiet, I said if she wants to quit making an idiot of herself she should shut up. You don’t seem to understand what Freedom of Speech is. It is not possible for me to deny anyone free speech because I’m not the government.


That's not what you said, though. You said that she is undermining democracy, which could be interpreted as an accusation of treason. I'm saying that expressing political dissent is part of what makes America a "free country". We've had these discussions as a country before. For example with flag burning as a form of protest

Conservatives' idea of patriotism is blind jingoistic worship of America, so you all see Chastain expressing political dissent and you see "undermining democracy". 4th of July is not a holy day, it's not even really America's birthday. There's nothing wrong with what Chastain did, you're just desperate for something to point to to say "See! Look how much they hate our way of life and how free we are!"


Yes she is undermining democracy by trashing America on July 4th. I never once said she shouldn’t be allowed to say it though. You don’t know what you’re talking about nor do you know what free speech is.


She's not undermining democracy, that's stupid. You don't even truly believe that because you can't explain how that's the case

Just admit that you were trafficking in hyperbole to impress your other dumb conservative buddies on here so you said something that would get you brownie points with them

And of course I know what freedom of speech is, you dumbasses have helped make it very clear since you all are always the ones complaining that saying the wrong thing will get you canceled. "freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. it protects you from legal ramifications not from social consequences." yadda yadda yadda, it's obvious

Again, my point is that by saying it's undermining democracy you are implying treasonous speech, and treasonous speech is in a gray area of legality


I clearly explained how she’s undermining democracy, our enemies see that and are now more likely to attack us. The far left domestic terrorists like BLM see that and now they are emboldened to continue to burn cities, torch court houses, invade the White House and murder innocent people.

You dont’ have the first clue what free speech is and you need a serious crash course in basic civics 101


LOL you are so delusional. I hope you're a troll because you sound like a paranoid schizo


I am not delusional, I am a fair, objective, impartial observer. It sounds like you’ve been brainwashed by the far left DemoKKKrat cult and in that case you are in no position to determine who is delusional and who isn’t because your view of reality is radically warped.


Haha you're cray cray


You will have to forgive Moviechatuser497 he suffers from this illness I call bootlicking.


Not really, just a friend trying to give you a friendly wake up call that you so desperately need


Their version of "patriotism" is waving flags and telling everyone to love America, while they are trying desperately to end the democratic republic we are, limiting equal rights, and destroying the separation of church and state. in effect ruining everything that made America what it is.

They're traitors and frauds.




ya all those poor people earning 20k a year can just take a week off work and go get an abortion. they will probably stay in a 5 star hotel too right?


If their financial situation is that desperate they should have thought of that beforehand. It’s called personal responsibility

Also fyi your username is an oxymoron


should have thought what exactly? don't engage in normal human functions? so sex should just be for the middle class, granted of course they are middle class and meet your financial thresholds. and of course the rich.

if you go for a drive and get in an accident, and you try and get medical help, are you shirking personal responsibility? you drove, you knew the risk.


They knew having sex could result in a pregnancy and they still did it anyways. They have no one to blame but themselves. It’s called being a responsible adult, don’t take on responsibilities that you aren’t ready for, and don’t expect anyone else to pay for your own bad decisions.

As for your false equivalence, if the accident is your fault then yes you have to pay for it, if the accident is someone else’s fault then they should pay for it. If two people have sex and it results in a pregnancy then they were the ones who caused the accident in your fallacious analogy.

As for your last point it’s a strawman and I’m not going to entertain it


just like you know driving could result in an accident. don't seek medical help if you get in an accident. or the accident could be no ones fault. accidents happen. there was some black ice, a deer ran on the road. its not a false equivalence. its a great analogy. you don't seem too know what a straw man is. like more of the conservatives on here you use words you don't understand.

how is it a "bad decision". again you want this world where the poor literally can't have sex. conservatives are disgusting


If the accident is no one’s fault then you should have insurance just in case of such a thing. In fact you have to have insurance to drive a car. Epic fail on your analogy.

If you are having sex when you can’t take care of a child then yes it’s a bad decision. The poor can have sex all they want they should just have to accept the results of their decisions just like every other person on this planet you dishonest libtard. I can drink all I want, the poor can drink all they want but they should accept responsibility and not drive while drunk and that they will probably have a hangover the following morning


people do have sex insurance, tis called condoms and birth control. thing is its not 100%.

no not it isn't. its called human nature. like I said based on your insane logic NOT A SINGLE poor person should now have sex. nor should more of the middle class. who says "they have to accept" it. its why we have abortions. its not a child, it doesn't have a functioning brain or thoughts. its not being irresponsible, anyone than you getting medical help for your accident is you shirking responsibility.

welcome to the right wing wet dream. controlling other peoples sex life to the extreme, and only making it so the rich can procreate. wow you guys are little rich people ball lickers huh?


And I can choose to buy a car that gives me alerts when a car is in my blind spot, the steering wheel shakes when I start to veer out of my lane, won’t let me get too close to the car in front of me, yet if those safety features fail and I rear end someone it’s still my fault, not the car manufacturers.

And you’re still strawmanning because I didn’t say that, I said they should accept the consequences like a mature adult just like everyone else has to. You’re the one who wants to kill babies because their parents aren’t rich enough. Libtards are some very sick people.

Lol no one is controlling anyone’s sex life, we are just trying to prevent infanticide, you are literally condoning baby murderer because the baby’s parents don’t have enough money, wtf is wrong with you?


I gave you two examples where no one is at fault. everyone else doesn't have to. abortion is thousands of years old and its not uncommon.

its not an infant so how can it be infanticide? don't tell me you are this dumb.


Lol thanks for proving my point, you want to kill babies. And you want to kill babies that are born into poor families which are disproportionately minorities so I guess you’re racist on top of that.

And wearing a condom and still getting the woman pregnant doesn’t mean you’re not at fault, you still stuck your penis in her. Typical libtard, it’s always someone else’s fault

You didn’t answer my question: if my alert in my car fails to tell me there’s someone in my blind spot and I crash into them is that still my fault?

Libtards seem to have this idiotic idea that just because you have the freedom to do something, responsibility doesn’t come with it.


not a baby either. but clearly definitions are hard for you

actually I don't. I want good healthcare education and access to contraception. it's your party doing everything they can to stop these things and ensure more unwanted pregnancy.

you didn't check your blind. what analogous blind spot did these people engage in sex not check?

you got nothing and are falling apart slow kid :)


And here we go, another pompous libtard trying to dictate when a baby is a baby. Even if they are still in a womb, they have a heartbeat, they can feel pain, they are babies you dumbass. You just want to exterminate the black population.

And I did check my blind spot, I looked at my rear view mirror which is supposed to shine a light whenever anyone is there, much like how a condom is supposed to prevent pregnancy . There is a risk of me getting in a wreck by not looking over my shoulder just like there is a risk of getting a girl pregnant by putting your dick in a pussy. Just because you have the freedom to do something doesn’t mean you have the freedom to be immune from the consequences you snowflake libtard

Don’t worry plenty of states will still have abortion on demand, if the people living in states that pass abortion restrictions don’t like them they can vote the politicians out of office, that is literally the spirit of democracy which you seem to be against along with being racist and a baby murderer . And if travel expenses are too high she should just take the advice of your cult leaders and buy and electric vehicle


no its called science. you called a fetus an infant. you are objectively wrong.

NOPE your analogy fails. you tried to compare a wreck with someone not doing what they should have (not checking a blind( vs people taking all the precautions they should (ie condoms)

you are so incredibly slow you can't even form analogies.

im racist now too :) awwww the right wing woketard screaming racist. sheer irony.


Lol you don’t know the first thing about science. A fetus is life and I have clearly explained to you why it is. You want dead babies.
The analogy is perfectly legitimate, if my light in my rear view mirror fails to tell me someone is in my blind spot and I get in a wreck as a result I’m still liable. Learn some personal responsibility you loser. You can have sex all you want but with freedom comes responsibility, and I don’t know what the big deal is, if a woman is having trouble affording gas to travel to a Demokkkrat state to have an abortion (thanks to Diaper Joes gas price hike) she can just buy an electric car and that should solve the problem
As for you being racist I’m just taking the libtard standard and making you own up to it, logics a bitch ain’t it.


who said a fetus isn't living?

care to grow a spine and admit a fetus isn't an infant?

its not freedom to be allowed to have sex, anymore than it is to eat or drink water. tis normal human functioning.

hahahahah now its Bidens fault for gas for women to drive to get abortions.

you just lost you little clown :) that was such a silly comment.

ya its not the republicans who made it illegal and forced women to drive hundreds of miles, its the democrats.


So now you’re saying a fetus is living? Which is it? Pick a lane and stay there you idiot.

I never said you didn’t have the freedom to have sex (another strawman) with freedom however comes responsibility. I have the freedom to drive a car, but I have to have insurance, I can’t drink and drive, I can’t run people over (like DemoKKKrats are doing to conservatives). I can own a gun, but I can pull it out in public and start waving it everywhere, and BTW owning a gun is a constitutional right, having sex isn’t.

Diaper Joe is the reason gas prices are so high, you were the one complaining about travel costs so yeah I’m just going by your own flawed position.

LOL no one is forcing women to drive anywhere, she can choose to have the baby or she can choose to find a doctor who will give her an abortion, or she can choose not to have sex. WTF kind of fallacious logic did your cult brainwash you with?


so it was a dumb comment. You are clown.


I see you’ve given up now, get a life you loser


you wrote and posted "so" and that is all. then edited it.

at least have a spine enough to admit that and be honest


That’s because this thread is getting so thin I can’t tell what I’m writing so of course I said, when I edit I can see better. Sorry my post was too much for you to handle.I’ll accept your concession


so now its may fault I didn't have a time machine and respond to the comment you wrote later! and go check afterwards you changed your post.

and I need to "concede". you need to grow a spine and take responsibility. what happened to the "self responsibility" party.

you need to concede that you operate at the level of someone with severe retardation


No you need to just grow a pair and either A) present something resembling an intelligent response (which may be difficult for someone like you) or B) admit that you’ve been owned


so now backtracking and blaming me for your mistake.

look at the right wing mr "self responsibility".

yes I've been owned because you don't know how to use this site despite thousands of comments and I don't go back and look if you edited comments.

you spineless joker


Lol what mistake? All I did was give myself a bigger screen to type on. Wtf are you talking about?


maybe write something so the person knows. or write your comment in microdot office then copy paste it. that isn't my fault. its yours. I responded to what you wrote. I don't have a Time Machine and can't read minds.

grow some balls and take responsibility. I am sure as hell not responsible for your comment being "so". I responded to what was written


Lol still too much of a chickenshit to respond, just making excuses . Get fucked you loser


I will respond once you grow a pair and take responsibility.

it is not my fault you wrote "so" as a placeholder. I responded to what is written


Other comment is literally there, all you have to do is respond you coward


didn't read it and never will. you don't have the balls to admit your error or I would


Then I’m going to take that as your concession and close your case. You are the weakest link goodbye


do as you will that's your prerogative. but if you take anything from this going forward. grow a sack of balls. when you make an error, take personal responsibility. have a lovely joyous day


Lol don’t worry I won’t lose sleep over it and your concession remains noted


as long as it gave you joy im happy. just grow balls though. see what I would say is "you are right all I wrote was "so" and I get why you replied to that. Easy peasy! I got your back Eunuch


Yes putting spineless libtards like yourself in your place is fun for me. Your non sequiturs are dismissed and your concession remains noted


non sequitur dismissed? is that your tagline you just say to everyone?

next time do not write "so" and instead write "I will write more later editing". it will clear up confusion. anything to help a eunuch like you


Lol it was changed like 30 second later you dumbass. Your concession remains noted and your non sequiturs are dismissed


and as you would attest our exchange has been fairly rapid fire. I gave you two solutions to mitigate this issue. rather than having a sack you decided to just declare victory. its a much more simple dodge when you are a backless eunuch who can't take responsibility


Lol you stopped giving me shit to respond to, that means you’re out of anything resembling an intelligent argument. Declaring victory was logical on my pet, shit for brains


whatever you have to tell yourself to not actually give an argue,ent.

a fetus and infant and baby are all different. if you want to form coherent arguments learn that


Wtf is an argue,ent? As for the rest of your retarded babbling I am rejecting your non sequitur

It’s beyond obvious that the reason you want to debate the difference between a fetus and an infant is because you know that you’ve been owned so deflecting to an argument you think you have a better chance at winning is your go to strategy. You did the same thing when you were Ledodicaprio. Let’s just pretend for arguments sake that I did misuse the word “infant”, if I grant you your premise that I should have used the word “fetus” then you still lose because you conceded that a “fetus” is living and therefore it is murder.

Also have you figured out the definitions of “probably” and “almost”, I’m betting your retarded ass hasn’t.


I don't think you know what a non sequitur is... you just repeat it over and over again..

almost and probably? are you on crack cocaine?

talking of non sequitors


You need to take some kind of logical fallacy 101 course for dimbasses. It’ll probably help


the sweet irony


Commit yourself you fucking idiot


rage less and bring more logic. stop just repeating nonsense


Not raging at all, just trying to give you some helpful advice


hope you get the help you need. both for your anger but also your piss poor education where you use terms you do not understand. all the best sweetie


Seek help you loser.


now you just repeat what I wrote :) it shows your mental weakness sweetie


That’s flattering and everything but sorry bud you’re not my type.


I think it'd be illegal anyways for a mentally competent person like myself to date a mentally retarded one like you anyways.


You shouldn’t be ashamed of yourself, just embrace the fact that you are retarded and go be with your own kind


for the second time you just repeat what I say. your cognitive functions are so poor you just parrot. what a retard


Clearly you don’t know how to read because my last two comments were radically different, shit for brains. Someone needs to get you hooked on monkey phonics


Another flaw I’ve noticed in your pathetic ramblings, in terms of Covid you are willing to connect the dots from Point A to Point D which is where you want to go, I don’t wear a mask so I get Covid so I cough near someone else so that person gets Covid so that person dies. Yet you aren’t willing to apply the same logic to abortion, let’s a say a fetus isn’t living had the woman not gotten an abortion then the baby would have been born and it would be living. That is far less dots to connect that your fallacious and retarded Covid argument


no I never said that once. you really need to start addressing what people say and instead stop trying to go for your next "gotcha" moment.

just like how I said a fetus is living now 3 times and it didn't register with you the first two. because you were no obsessed with landing points.

where did I say any of that?


Leodicaprio is that you?


am I Leonardo dicaprio!? what are you on about now. our conversation must have been so intellectually overwhelming you had a brain aneurysm


Lol, leodicaprio is a former poster on here, and you debate the same way he did, you both love the logical fallacies, deflections and you both debate poorly. Don’t flatter yourself kid, you are no challenge at all, I feel like I’m beating up a special needs child and I feel dirty as a result


oh I thought you meant actually Leonardo dicaprio I was confused as to what that had to do with our conversation

is that why you sue terms like strawmen wrong?

easy wins, says the guy who used infant(cide) and baby wrong


Delete your sock account Leo, you aren’t fooling anyone.


is this how you win arguments? claim people are socks.

this reeks of the last desperate attempt at someone who cannot address an argument.

just like you did arguing that infant, baby and fetus are all the same terms and lied about me not saying a fetus is alive.


So then a fetus is alive? If you won’t concede to that then whatever you say I assumed about you is legitimate. Give it up Leo, you’ve been caught and now you’re trying to tap dance your way out of it


for the third time yes a fetus is alive. should I write it in spanish? Maybe you will finally read it then?

"concede what I say or everything I say is right"

that sure is some mental twisting.

hey movie chat user, agree with me or everything I said about you is right. how does that make sense?

you appear to believe if you say something it has the weight of truth. rather than providing support for it.

like how you claim a fetus, baby and infant are all the same thing, despite them not being so.


So of the fetus is alive by your own admission whether I call it an infant or not doesn’t matter, it’s life and you are killing him/her. Whether I consider it an infant or not is a non sequitur it has no bearing on the very simple concept I am trying to get your retarded brain to comprehend. I swear I had a 10 page argument with Leo debating the definition of the words “almost” and “probably” this is such deja vu


for the fifth time now (as I once again said it in another reply), a fetus is alive.

are you mentally deficient in some way?

ill go get a Italian translation, maybe you will get it that way!

it does matter, a fetus isn't an infant. use proper wording!

its like me calling a fetus an "adult". it isn't the proper words. and words matter

should I write a fetus is alive in Spanish? will you get it them?

what does almost and probably have to do with anything?


Whether a fetus is an “infant” or not is irrelevant and a non sequitur you moron. It has no bearing on the topic we are discussing because you just admitted a fetus is alive. Holy shit you are retarded.


it is relevant because you are trying to use the wrong terms on purpose, which don't accurately describe the situation.

I've said a fetus is alive now 6 times and counting.


Your non sequitur is dismissed and your concession remains noted


whatever makes you happy makes me happy. im glad I could spread joy to a eunuch like you


It’s not really pleasure as much as a fun hobby to pass the time. Your concession remains noted and your logical fallacies are dismissed


I haven't been on reddit much but that also seems to be their strategy. young "men" just declare victory and parrot the same thing you say

for the 7th time a fetus is living. for the 7th time a fetus, baby and infant are not the same thing.

you whined about my definition I provided. then simultaneously complained im not using proper definitions, then simultaneously said definitions don't matter.

I wish I could get in your mind frame. but I have no experienced severe brain trauma and that is what It would take to dumb me down to your level!


And for the 40th fucking time the difference between a fetus and an infant is 100 percent irrelevant, call it what you want, infant murder or fetus murder but its still murder because you said a fetus was living. Your non sequitur is dismissed and your concession remains noted


it really isnt because they are two separate things. so using them interchangeably is wrong.

:) get less mad and make more sense


Your non sequitur is dismissed and your concession remains noted. The difference between a fetus and an infant literally has nothing to do with this discussion numb nuts. You conceded that they are both living so therefore abortion is murder.


so an infant, fetus and baby aren't the same. since you didn't have the balls to say it I fixed your gibberish for you swetie


Still has nothing to do with the topic of the discussion. You are trying to change the topic because you know your pathetic ass is getting dominated, little man


if it helps your psyche then im happy. im getting the feeling you do this every time because you can't actually win. am I right? every convo ends with "non se1quqitor dismissed"


As long as you continue to assert non sequiturs then yes I will, it’s a pretty logical response, I guess you aren’t living up to your username


you keep using that incorrectly and are full of rage. maybe meditate and seek help


Maybe you should just read a dictionary and man up a bit, sorry the mean old moviechatuser497 is being so mean to you, get over it numb nuts


I don't know if you're aware of this, but it's possible to "engage in normal human functions" responsibly.


Is that what you tell rape and child incest victims? Did they think it was a hoot when they heard your advice?


Fuck these hypocrites! “My body, my choice!”, MY ASS! Where were these assholes when these liberals had mask and vaccine mandates???? Liberals can go fuck themselves!


Mask is bad example, no different than requiring shoes


If you want to wear a mask….It’s America, enjoy your blissful ignorance. If someone doesn’t, mind your own business. “Shoes”? Are you serious???


well see not wearing shoes doesn't spread a deadly pandemic that could kill my family members.


It’s my body my choice, that is literally what you were pouting about 2 minutes ago.


should I explain in detail the difference between an abortion that is your body and affects only you and a non cognitive fetus. where you have the right to decide something may not use your body. if I get sick, do I have the right to your kidneys or be attached to you and use your functions? why not! im actually a fully cognitive human! vs you actively spreading a deadly pandemic that killed 1 million Americans because you refuse to take small steps that would protect us?

its like claiming seatbelts or drinking and driving are restrictions on your right to free movement. everything has limitations and reasonable restrains. every single right

ill be happy to provide a list of difference but I fear you are too slow to understand the nuances.


Yes there is a difference, an abortion directly results in a dead baby, me not getting vaccinated or not wearing a mask doesn’t directly result in anyone dying.

This analogy is not going to work for you, numb nuts


wait a fetus is a baby now?

wait so you potentially being sick, and spreading it far more likelier to an old person or sick person doesn't result in anyone dying?

WOW! you know more than the scientists! where you get your degree?


Of course it’s a baby, it has two sets of chromosomes, it can feel pain, it has a heartbeat and you just want to let them die you sick freak.

Your next sentence is a strawman, I was also just pointing out your false equivalence, an abortion directly results in a death. Me not getting vaccinated or wearing a mask does not and hell I am vaccinated and I still got Covid so therefore getting a vaccine is pointless you dumbass


definition :"a very young child, especially one newly or recently born."

no, no it isn't.

you don't seem to know what a strawman is and are using terms you do not understand.

""an abortion directly results in a death. Me not getting vaccinated or wearing a mask does not and hell I am vaccinated and I still got Covid so therefore getting a vaccine is pointless you dumbass"

yes you not wearing a mask can make it easier to spread and lead directly to someone else's death. keep ignorant republican clown :) you hate science and facts just admit it


Lol so now you’ve resorted to google? Wtf is wrong with you? I thought you were all about science? I give you scientific evidence and you give me google, lol you suck.

Making it easier to spread the virus (which not getting vaccinated and not wearing a mask don’t do) isn’t a direct death you idiot. I didn’t wear a mask today, who did I kill? Because I’m sure a woman had an abortion today and I can tell you who she killed


yes to show you what the layman definition is. also science wouldn't call it a baby either you joke. Show me a scientific paper that wouldn't call it a fetus but "a baby". I will wait :) I know its so annoying when the facts disprove you :)

yes if I choose not to wear a mask and it kills someone I directly helped kill them.


Hahahahaha I back up my position with hard science based on the biological structure of the fetus, you base your argument off of google, so fucking pathetic.

You just proved that not wearing a mask doesn’t directly kill anyone because so many things have to happen between A) not wearing a mask and B) someone dying such as: I have to get Covid (and it has to be proven I wouldn’t have gotten Covid had I worn a mask), B) I have to spread Covid to someone else and it has to be proven that they would not have caught I had I worn a mask. That isn’t a direct death, little man


weird cause I haven't seen any science. I've seen you use infanticide, which means a child below 1 years. which a fetus isn't.

I gave you the layman colloquial usage. which does not matter as you have used both the layman term and scientific term wrong.

im going to need to see a paper referring to a fetus as "a baby" from you village clown. since you are an expert on the science and recent biological publications of research.

yes you directly gave them the virus and they died. just as if you directly drove your car into them and they died.

the fact these have to proven doesn't mean it isn't direct. just because a virus is smaller and harder to detect than a crash. doesn't mean your actions didn't directly lead to their death.

its like me walking into a with a deadly poison and some of them die. and me saying "I didn't directly kill them! prove it!". well sure that will take little more effort than a car crash, but it doesn't mean you objectively made a choice and did something that directly led to their death

haha little man? aww our resident conservative clowns are self projecting ha. I love this! keep showing your insecurity.

figure out the difference between a fetus and infant yes :)


Lol I clearly explained why a fetus is life, all you’ve done is throw out your cube it an opinion (libtard talking point) and given me google definitions. You don’t know the first thing about science.

Oh so by not wearing a mask I am intentionally giving someone the virus? That may be the most retarded thing you’ve said so far and that is saying something.

Do you know what direct means? Because me not wearing a mask doesn’t directly kill anyone as 3 or 4 things also have to happen in between me not wearing a mask and someone dying you dumb fuck.


where did I say a fetus isn't living? that's not the argument. its YOU not knowing what the hell it is. as you use instant, baby and apparently fetus now interchangeable. then cry I don't know science because I corrected you on your inaccurate usage of the terminology. that's on you!

if im driving and I didn't intentionally meant to hit someone but did and killed them, did I directly kill them?

"you infected them directly leading to their death"

what in that sentence is wrong.


For our purposes it doesn’t make any difference because they are both living. This is exactly what Leo did, he would find some trivial , irrelevant talking point to deflect to so he wouldn’t have to own up to his own failed logic. You’ve been caught, numb nuts.yes you directly killed them, you ran into them that is a direct death. Me not wearing a mask isn’t a direct death, your analogy would be like me accidentally tripping and falling on someone while carrying a syringe of Covid and injecting them with it and then they die immediately


that isn't irrelevant, that's an analogy. did Leo invent analogies?

the point was calling out the flaw in yours analogy implying intentionality means direct. when it doesn't.

nope that wouldn't be my analogy. if you know you have covid or at least know its at covid peak, and you go around maskless despite knowing it stops it. you are directly leading to peoples deaths if its someone in the vicinity. if that person infects another person that's not a direct death. but if you do kill someone because you infected them, you directly led to their death. that is a fact


Lol still too retarded to know what the word directly means. As I have explained to you repeatedly to go from me not wearing a mask to someone dying 4 other things have to happen so therefore I didn’t directly kill anyone you dumbass


yes if I am sick and chose not to wear a mast and infect someone close my actions directly led to their death.


No you didn’t, you just didn’t wear a mask, four other things happened in between that lead to their deaths. And you can not wear a mask and not Jill someone. You can’t have an abortion and not kill someone , unless the abortion is botched and your cult wants to kill the babies who survived the abortion anyways


im in a cult too? when's the weekly meetings


Couldn’t tell you, I’m not a cult follower


im actually a fully cognitive human!

I wholeheartedly disagree.


should I educate you quickly on the difference or you just going to parrot your partisan nonsense anyways?


I totally agree with you, libtards totally shot themselves in the ass with their fascist vaccine mandates. They essentially gave up the right to bitch about my body my choice. They took the stand that the government can tell use what to do with “our bodies”


Politicians want to choose when a woman can have an abortion. They're all like "Your body, my choice". How screwed up is that?


Wrong. Decent humans are against murder.
