MovieChat Forums > Peyton Wesson Discussion > Talented young person

Talented young person

She is a talented young person.


You’re pathetic Allaby. And your new asterisk post-script is pathetic.


Encouraging and supporting young people is not pathetic.


Encouraging and supporting young people is not pathetic, but constantly posting how pretty young underage girls look can come off as a tad creepy.


Yeah, and I know that part of the titillation for you is when people respond and you get to make your standard, “Nothing is weird / this is completely normal” reply. You should try to say these things about little girls at work Steve. Print out all the internet pictures you’ve accumulated of little girls in skirts and bathing suits and organize them to show everyone which are your favorites like you do for us in your interminable posts. Or bring up the subject with your mates at the pub or when you’re out on a date with a woman. Watch how quick people tell you what they think of your “support” for preadolescent girls when you’re not anonymous.


I haven't "accumulated" any pictures. The pictures are posted publicly by the girls and their families. The girls who post pictures publicly online like support and compliments (as long as they are respectful and polite, which mine are). These girls appreciate the support. One teen model's mother told me I was very kind.




You have handy links to a bunch of provocative photos to little girls. You endlessly post them and tell us which are your favorites. You are the only poster on this site who ceaselessly starts these threads. You can be found as one of the top and immediate posters on any controversial movie that involves child nudity or sexualization. You encouraged that notorious pedo daveb76 in your exchanges with him on that obscure European child puberty movie and expressed how interested you were in seeing it considering its descriptions of explicit child nudity. I wish you were just a troll trying to get people worked up but the evidence is otherwise from your very posts.


The links are easy to find on Instagram, a publicly accessible web site. I don't endless post them. I occasionally post about young actors/models, just like I post about Hallmark movies, Christmas movies, independent films, classic era actors and directors, the Oscars, football, and other subjects. I do watch and like some controversial films and I'm not going to apologise if that offends you. People on this site have posted much worse than anything I have posted, so I will post what I want, when I want.


So if it’s not endless from you, when is the end? When will be your last post telling us which little girls are the prettiest in your taste and which of their mom’s you’re talking to so you can get a little closer? When is the last time you will show us your favorite bathing suit photos out of all the ones you found of some 12 year old kid? When can we finally know that you are done adding to your prolific comments on the physical appearance of preteen girls?


Why should I be expected to change what I post about based on your personal preference? People post things I don't like or agree with. If you don't want to read my posts, then don't read them. You can ignore me, if they bother you that much. And for the record, I never posted a bathing suit picture and I never said what I don't like about any girl. There is nothing wrong with innocent compliments about children.


Very convenient of you to delete your Allaby account with thousands of comments and now claim you’ve not posted about the things I’m describing. I know what I saw with my own eyes when Saskia started warning people about your trends. Guess what, I will likewise post what I want and when I want. And you can rest assured, I will speak my piece when you inevitably start the next post on this subject


how many people telling you the same thing will it take before you realize you are wrong and justifying it? 5? 10? 50? 5000?


Don't you just love the fact he has 'favourite pictures' of 11 year old girls who he follows on instagram.

Get back to me when he has favourite pictures of grown men or 11 year old boys. So odd how it's only girls around 11 or 12 years of age that he constantly posts about. Not sexual at all he just happens to be a big fan of 11 year old girls who model. 🙄


Here is my favourite picture of Kermit the Frog. I think he looks cute here. Does that mean I'm in love with him?


These girls and their parents know most their followers are old men... I personally think the parents are the most fucked up people in this situation.


^^ This.

I won't be surprised if they're arrested one day.


(And no I don't mean that in a sexual or dirty way)


(And no I don't mean that in a sexual or dirty way)

Ah, the magic words that make this kind of thing suddenly socially acceptable.


