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Russian TV teases launch of Tucker Carlson show

Hope they pay him. $300m+ isn't going to last forever!

Russian TV news channel Rossiya 24 has aired a trailer for a weekend show featuring former Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson.

The advert, first shared earlier this month, aired again on 22 September with the words "on the weekend" but no further details.

In it Carlson is seen repeatedly saying the word "Russia" - in what appeared to be clips spliced together from earlier broadcasts - and concludes with footage of him saying the word "24".

This was accompanied by on-screen text reading: "The high-profile American presenter is moving to another level. Here."

Russian state TV channels have regularly cited his shows in the past - due in large part to his penchant for repeating dubious Kremlin claims about Ukraine.


Why does Carlson act like it is cool to be a Russian stooge?


I honestly can't understand why some republicans (and basically all trumpists) decided to become russian little bitches and humiliate themselves like that. This is just so embarrassing and they destroyed reputation of republican party for forever.

For decades they were viewed as Hawks, as Manly Men who take no shit, the ones who make shit done when democrats are pussying out to take important decision to fight world terror and push American Interests.

And all of that they threw in a dumpster and became russian little bitches who sit and suck putins penis all day and obsessively root for America to lose and russia-iran-china-north korea to win.... It's surreal to watch it live air how that party is destroying itself. They allowed russia to infiltrate 10 agents to their party who then blocked whole Congress and were willing to leave hundreds of thousands government workers to be left without salary until USA would be forced to stop fighting russia.... It cant get more humiliating then that.

And this Tucker idiot was like this popular political opponent of democrats. And he was respected. Then for some reason he decided to become full on russian slut and now licks putins ass non-stop. And all his career is devoted to work against America on enemy's demand.


This coming from someone who supports the Communist Democrat Party along with the Defund the Police crap that goes with it and just about any Lawlessness Democrats can think of and while were at it, toss BLM in there for extra measures which was a hoax geared toward George Floyd in trying to get away with Looting, Robbing & Reparations


I don't support any party and think that both of them are crazy. I support common sense. And I support when someone shows it. World does not divide into rep and dem supporters, accept it.

Few years ago when democrats were going crazy with wokeness and republicans were calling them out on it - I agreed with it. But could not understand why republicans only whined about it on Twitter but never actually did anything to stop it.

When russia-Ukraine war started and democrats started supporting Ukraine - I supported it. Because it was logical and common sense decision. nazi russia is cancer of the planet and must be removed.

When republicans for unexplained reason started licking russian ass and pledge their loyalty to russia-iran-china-north korea terrorism and demand USA to surrender - I don't support it and call them out for being traitors and russian bitches.

Wokeness is a lot lesser evil for humanity then when russia-iran-china-north korea will take over the world. Not to mention that trumpists dont actually do anything to fight wokeness. They just endlessly whine about it on twitter.


Your President is a war monger and continues to send hundreds of Billions of dollars to Ukraine and gives 0 fucks about the U.S.. When Trump wins next year, not if, but WHEN, this war ends and both sides will have to sit down at the table, one on each side, and hash it out


You are so naive that I almost feel sorry for you. Do you still believe in Santa and Tooth Fairy, do you?


The USA spent billions and decades developing weapons to fight the Soviets. Now we are using some of those weapons against the Russians by giving them to Ukraine. That is money well spent as it is helping to keep the Russian Bear in its cage.

Americans like you who would give aid and comfort to the enemy (Russia) are potential traitors at best.


I was in the U.S Navy stationed onboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 and served my Country.. How the fuck am I one more time a Russian sympathizer as you put it?? Your Generation would never make it in the Military because you're too hung up on identity politics to make it through bootcamp and why?? Because your pussies in a nutshell


I am a baby boomer, served in the USN on submarines in in the 80's and 90's. Tell me again how boomers are pussies who would never make it through boot camp? Many of us did in fact make it through boot camp.

It seems that you would oppose anything that would be against the interests of Russia.


Well of course you are!! Of course you just happened to be a Boomer and now wanting to one up me in this dick measuring contest you have going here?? Get the fuck out of here with this predictable shit!!


BKB (1571) 18 minutes ago
Well of course you are!! Of course you just happened to be a Boomer and now wanting to one up me in this dick measuring contest you have going here?? Get the fuck out of here with this predictable shit!!

I really don't care who you are; I only care about what you post here. Served in the military? Don't care. How old are you and when did you serve? Also don't care.

How is serving in the submarine force "wanting to one up" you in any way? Submarine Sailors are not the "finest that humanity has to offer". I needed a job, that is why I joined the USN. The recruiters lured me into Nuclear Power School and submarines with their stories of how much better it was. Sucks to be me sometimes.

Why do you feel compelled to enter into a dick measuring contest? Why isn't it good enough that you served, but instead you need to feel that you are somehow better than someone else who served?


When you start in with this "You're supporting Russia" shit just because I don't want Joe Biden as President and feel Trump did a better job and he did, then I take issue with it!! Go pound sand


BKB (1581) 9 hours ago
Your President is a war monger and continues to send hundreds of Billions of dollars to Ukraine and gives 0 fucks about the U.S.. When Trump wins next year, not if, but WHEN, this war ends and both sides will have to sit down at the table, one on each side, and hash it out

Biden is your president too, unless you are not an American citizen.

Anyone who wants to deny aid to those fighting Russia is most likely pro-Russia. How is it that most people understand this, but you claim not to?

Insult Biden all you want, I don't care. No reason for you to be so pro-Russia though. Anything we do to stop Russia is pro-America. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

Trump is unlikely to secure the GOP nomination, he is even less likely to be president in 2025.

I think the only resolution Trump might bring to the war is to side with Russia so they can defeat Ukraine. Do you really want that?


Let's start with this.

Does Europe need US to deal with Russia?


nazi russia is everyone’s problem. Not just Europe's. Just like hitler was.

USA ignored war in Europe and didn't sent it's troops for as long as they could. Thinking "they are overseas" and safe. Then understood that they have to because if nazi Germany would take over Europe - they would then attack USA.

If russia will start invading countries in Europe and occupying them - it's the matter of time until they will come for Alaska and then other American territories. While trump will hide with Elon Musk in bunker.

russia literally sponsored hamas who started war in Israel now. they send them weapons, money. They would do that more and more if not stopped. China would invade Taiwan if they would see that russia can and get away with it. And on and on bigger crazy countries will start attacking smaller who can't defend themselves.

Its trully stunning how small minded trump and his fanatics are and too stupid to understand WHY nazi russia must be stopped. They attacked World Orders of things and started changing borders. Which will end up in WW3 between different countries or russia would be stopped.


Hitler rolled though countries in weeks. BLITZKRIEG. Putin is LOSING ground already against a much smaller opponent.

Do you understand that those events are DIFFERENT?

Which makes a bad guy more dangerous? Winning wars, or losing them?


Are you going to answer your own question? Or are you just JAQing off?


Interesting post, Mr. Schiff!
