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Two Fox News contributors quit over Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 documentary

Tucker Carlson Originals: Patriot Purge

Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg, two leading conservative writers and pundits who have regularly appeared on the network since 2009, announced they had finalized their resignations from Fox following the release of Carlson's controversial documentary.

"The special — which ran on Fox’s subscription streaming service earlier this month and was promoted on Fox News — is presented in the style of an exposé, a hard-hitting piece of investigative journalism," the two journalists wrote in an entry on their political news and commentary website The Dispatch.

"In reality, it is a collection of incoherent conspiracy-mongering, riddled with factual inaccuracies, half-truths, deceptive imagery, and damning omissions. And its message is clear: The U.S. government is targeting patriotic Americans in the same manner — and with the same tools — that it used to target al Qaeda," they added.

Carlson's series, dubbed "Patriot Purge," purports to tell an alternative story of the Jan. 6 insurrection and features at least one subject who suggests the event may have been a "false flag" operation. The series has been widely criticized, including by Rep. Liz Cheney

"Indeed, the news side of Fox routinely does what it is supposed to do: It reports the truth," they wrote, noting it remains the case that "there are still responsible conservatives providing valuable opinion and analysis."

"But the voices of the responsible are being drowned out by the irresponsible," Hayes and Goldberg concluded.


Anyone referring to Jan 6 as an insurrection is a laughing stock and has no credibility.

As for the 2 that quit. I’m pretty familiar with most conservatives and I’ve never heard of either of these guys. Not to say they’re not legit just saying they’re not well know representatives of the modern pro America, pro Trump, conservative point of view.

There are a lot of establishment Republicans that no longer wish to be part of the party. George Will and Bill Crystal would be the highest profile establishment Republican media members who are clearly anti Trump Republicans.

It’s fine if they want to take a different point of view. Rather than persuade, they attack, just like their new friends in the Democrat party. It shows they value power in establishment DC more than what’s good for the country.

These establishment folks are a dying breed. Even Limbaugh couldn’t stand them.

The problem with Washington is it’s full of people who want to be in Washington.


This is a pretend story.


Considering the recent behavior of hte FBI, a "false flag" operation is a reasonable fear.


I didn't expect this kind of garbage from The Hill. Krystal and Saagar used to quite watchable.


Now, I want to check out this documentary.
