MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > Another White Male Chickhawk with no spi...

Another White Male Chickhawk with no spine....

This man disgusts me in his cowardice. He's the type of asshole that hid behind some big bully all his life while going "Nyah, nyah, nyah".....

Just one more white male afraid to ever where a uniform or sacrifice jack shit for this country...


A lot of people never wore the uniform and didn't do a thing to help this country. Barack and Michelle Obama are good examples. Instead of using all the goodwill to unite the country they used it to divide us more than ever.


Right.......sure, just like you say.....clearly another Trumpy Kool Aid drinker here....


Crystal clear.


No kidding. This guy just inserts Dem names in rump scenarios.
Imagine how much worse everything would be if Hilary were prez? Boggles the mind just how ... much ... worse ... our lives would be with a competent leader as opposed to rump. Not a perfect person, simply a competent leader, as opposed to rump.


Can you remember another president who got so much support from the other side as Obama did in 2008? I can't. But he pissed it all away because Barack does not even like America. He won't do anything to interfere with his goal of becoming a professional millionaire sloth but he wants to inflict as much damage on white Americans as he can. And the ant-police movement? He may not have started it but he certainly gave it legitimacy. He could have been a great president. As it is, he is the worst. Even worse than Bush.


oh, man....a Truther and a Birther here....go to bed now, Jr....


Oh man. What shall we do? Let's riot and loot and pretend we are all about peace.


Upon a media landscape that is full of liars and propagandists, Tucker is one of the few truth-tellers left.

Thank God for him.


We're all truthfully hoping to sell you bridges and real estate in truthfully wonderful locations.


Let me guess, you're more of a Rachel Maddow person? Or is it Don Lemon?


Guess away. I don't watch MSNBC (that's RM's platform, right?) and I have no idea who Don Lemon is, other than seeing his name recently here somewhere. I'm sure they are stalwart lefty liberals, and I'm happy they are, but no, I don't slavishly follow their utterances. I'm not like a rumpaholic, I don't parrot the party line. I just see what's going on and state my feelings.

rump's an effing idiot, not much embellishment needed.


He's just another rich person that wants to hold onto the richness.



All these TV talking heads are pussies.
