MovieChat Forums > Lauren Boebert Discussion > Will become a grandmother at age 36

Will become a grandmother at age 36

Her 17 year-old son is an expectant father.

What are her thoughts about sex education?


Surprise, Surprise! She wants to defund schools that teach sex education!


ALERT, ALERT: People have sex before the age of 18.
Please alert people of all ages, this is extremely concerning! Please do not abort, I repeat, please do not abort!!


So some poor teenage girl should be forced to give birth to this awful woman's grandchild? That's inhumane.


Wow, you're assuming so much! It seems you'd really like to extinguish a child's life, you're a sad monster!!


I hear they have her chained to a wall in their basement. 🙄

Boebert's for Trump, who refused to say if he'd paid women for abortions the first time he was running.

One either has morals, or one doesn't. If nothing else, Mum Boebert could have told sonny Boebert to use condoms properly. But he's probably so dumb he believed the lie that condoms tear up with vigorous sex. Then again, if the young woman wanted to be sexually active she could have been responsible for her "reproductive rights" and gotten birth control pills.


I have a cousin that is same age as I am. She was a mother at 15 and a grandmother at 30. I'm now 50 and still don't have my first grandchild, yet her granddaughter is 20 years old.

Life is different for different people. I don't understand the intent of your question. What does sex education have to do with it?


Sex education can tell people how to avoid becoming parents, at an age when they're incapable of supporting or caring for their children.


Why don’t you tell the child in a few years that he shouldn’t have been born? These people are a grade A family in my book.


What the fucking fuck kind of loon is in FAVOR of high school kids having children of their own???

That's batshit, dude.


I became a grandfather for the first time last year at 64. I don't know if I'll live long enough to see her married or have a child, but we love her all the same.


A divorced grandma no less!

So much for the party of family values...


You are only attacking her family because she's a strong, independent woman who is leading the charge to hold your cult accountable for their treason and abuse of power. You are a sick person.


Sounds like she and her son are taking care of business and being responsible adults.

And her personal life is none of your business. Even if it was, she is leading the charge to impeach that motherfucker Diaper Joe and she needs and deserves your support. Man up and fulfil your patriotic duty.
