MovieChat Forums > Rumer Willis Discussion > The rumors (no pun intended) that her fa...

The rumors (no pun intended) that her father, Bruce is battling dementia

This likely can explain why Bruce has been churning out so many trashy movies of late for a quick payday or why Bruce doesn't seem to emote too much in his more recent movies.

I noticed that on Rumer's Instagram, she has the comments limited. So naturally, it's awfully difficult to straight up ask her if these stories about her dad's health are true:


Are you gonna post it on Demi Moore's page too since she was married to him.


The OP himself suffers from dementia. He forgets where he's already posted it.


I think you're right




Should I also go on Demi Moore's page and post about Chris Rock's joke at the Oscars about Will Smith's wife making GI Jane 2, since Demi starred in GI Jane? I don't know what point you're trying to get across.


No decent human being would give an honest answer to a stranger asking about her father's health on social media. Especially if it's true about the dementia, and he's trying to earn enough money to cover care for the rest of his life.

So don't even think about asking!


Well guess what, the rumors about Bruce's declining health are now absolutely true:

The former Moonlighting star's family announced on social media that "Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and has recently been diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities. As a result of this and with much consideration Bruce is stepping away from the career that has meant so much to him. As Bruce always says, 'Live it up' and together we plan to do just that."

So how exactly am I not a "decent human being" for speculating what is now apparent?


It’s not the speculation that’s indecent, it’s the suggestion that you would consider hitting his daughter up on the socials to hound her about it.


You're taking what I said completely out of context. What I said was that I wonder if Rumer has limited the comments on her Instagram keep out people who want to ask her about her father's health.


How can you be so blasé and uncompassionate enough to go onto a daughter's board about something so painful? Then you follow it up with, look at ME I was right! Jesus Christ dude, get a clue.


How exactly am I being so blasé and uncompassionate? I'm not like the Razzies that had its own category this year on Bruce Willis' recent quickly made, bargain-bin movies that went straight-to-VOD.


Also, I'm not one of those people who wondered online if Bruce Willis was making so many movies of dubious quality because he was in a Nic Cage-like financial situation or that he had become greedy and lazy.


Oh, speculating is okay! My point was that asking Willis's daughter about his health on social media would be both unkind... and pointless. She'd never have said anything honest about Willis, until the whole family, Bruce himself, and Willis's team of publicists were ready to release a statement.

But you have your answers now.


My point is that it's already been out there as of late, well before I even brought it up. So you might as well go after other people online for daring to write about it:


It'd still be both unkind and pointless to bother his daughter about it, and I'm not the only one to say so. Read the thread, and leave Rumer Willis alone.


Well it's confirmed now, so what's done is done!



You’re gross 🤮
