MovieChat Forums > Emma Watson Discussion > Safe to say that her career is over at t...

Safe to say that her career is over at this point

She hasn't done anything in over 5 years and has nothing lined up, her popularity has massively declined as a result and she has become practically irrelevant. Don't see any producer going out of their way to wan too cast her in their movies specially when we ad the fact that she is not a draw and doesn't really have any star power. There is also way too much competition and much better young actresses around these days like Zendaya, Sidney Sweeney, Millie Bobby Brown, etc. Why would anyone bother casting her?

Oh well, at least she is selling gin...I guess there is


Admittedly I'm not a fan and I don't follow her career, but I haven't heard her name attached to anything for ages. But I'm fine with Sweeney, Ortega, etc.


I have a role for her.


Yeah she's done as an actress.

She's rich and has a few other things going on, fashion and stuff, so she won't be out on the streets.


She “stepped away” from acting last year.


Yes it really seems like she is done with acting. Not that she really had much to do because nobody is rushing to cast her in their movies and there are way too many other women that are better and producers would cast before Watson.


Could be a rudimentary bout with gout.


Correct. She made that very clear. She will return when ready.


If anyone wants her.


I've never seen a Harry Potter movie, but I've seen her in a few things she did after those (Wallflower, Regression, Bling Ring, Noah). She's not compelling at all as an actress. She probably fit in okay in Bling Ring, but try and get any real acting out of her like was needed for Regression and she just shows herself to be completely out of her league.


She’s very bland and forgettable.


Emma Watson fell out love with acting a long time ago. She had the hardest time dealing with stress and fame of all the main Harry Potter kids and sought extreme counseling to deal with it. She went to Brown University while filming the Harry Potter movies simply because she wanted a normal education. She nearly left the Harry Potter movies to focus on college and there were discussions of potentially recasting her for the 5th, 6th, and 7/8th movies, but they would always come to an agreement. She's done interviews where she refuses to talk about her acting career and just wants to discuss her other ventures. She's apparently never been a partier and is an outspoken supporter of saving sex til marriage. I don't think she's ever been a big fan of the fame or of that lifestyle. She's rich, smart, talented, and has several lucrative avenues.


She’s a virgin too? One lucky guy gets to deflower Hermione…


Damn, she has dated over 20 guys and not a single one has had sex with her? Impressive.


That must be the "talent" referred to a few posts above. Otherwise, I'm not sure what e3e34ifj meant.


Honestly I'm willing to be that's a lie, or maybe she believed it early on but decided to fuck at some point, but would still vouch for saving sex til marriage. Highly doubt she's gone this far without taking one or two.


So do I. She'd have to be a true holy roller.


"Once a star, always a threat"


It really seems like she never really loved acting and so now that she can basically do whatever she wants, she stepped away from it and is doing things she feels passionate about.

She looks quite happy from what I have seen with what she is doing.


Never had career.


Even if she doesn't have the same level of mainstream success that she had in her prime she will always have a career thanks to her diehard Harry Potter fans who will probably always follow her. I could see her headlining a streaming show.
