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Trump freezes again.

Trump appears to freeze for 30 seconds on stage during NRA speech

Donald Trump appeared to freeze for more than 30 seconds during a speech at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas, Texas.

The former president — who kept the crowd waiting for more than two hours from the scheduled time of his speech on Saturday — was praising the state of Texas before he suddenly fell silent at the lectern.

It looked like he was trying to decide if he just put a fart or a turd into his diaper.


Imagine if Trump passes away before Biden. What would be the cope with that?


Well, odds are that Trump is going to eat himself to an earlier grave than Biden.

No matter what happens, we can always count of tvfan telling us that it was the deep state that did it.


To be fair, as much as I hate Trump and hope he bites it during the debates, I'm not so sure he froze at that moment. It could have been what's suggested below.

Some said they believed the teleprompter had gone down and he was shaking his head in frustration while others suggested he was pausing for effect or for the music that comes in as he nears the end of his speeches.


That sounds reasonable. But yeah, screw Trump. :)


Wait, why would Trump need a teleprompter!? He used to criticize Obama for using one! Surely he wouldn't be a hypocrite, would he??


Can you smell that godzilla maga coming for you?


What? No.


Oh it's coming. The godzilla maga is coming, and after tonight, you people are history. It's a hurricane. An act of God. Anyone caught in his path will instantly be turned. Everyone you've ever known... everyone you've ever loved... it won't matter who's maga and who's not. Prepare yourself it's coming baby.





Oh, btw: "Trump receives NRA endorsement as he vows to protect gun rights" - May 18, 2024


Neither Trump nor the NRA are interested in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. Trump had his own gun grab in 2018 and the NRA was okay with that.


Those are the ATF/FBI gun grabs. It has been the same for decades regardless of who is president.


Trump bragged that he would have his own gun grab, then he did it. Was he acting out a script for the DS then too?


Was he acting out a script for the DS then too?

Yes, he was. Look at the beginning of the video at the scrolling teleprompter: aka (DS script).

Your welcome.


Why do you want a DS chump like Trump in the White House?


If he was DS, they wouldn’t be trying to incarcerate him on bogus charges.


So Trump is the only person who is not a part of the DS? How is the DS is so powerful, they cannot contain Trump?

Every time I complain about Trump's anti-gun agenda, you say Trump was forced to do it by the DS. If Trump is a sheep that complies with the DS, then why do you claim he is not part of the DS?


Most of them are part of the DS.

The power and reach of the DS is global. They have been around for hundreds of years.

Have you ever heard of optics (perception)? He's obviously not complying.


Was Trump complying with the DS when he initiated his gun grab in 2018? Or was that all Trump's doing?


Did Trump write that CFR? Yes or No?


Of course Trump didn't write that CFR. He ordered the ATF to amend it though. It says so in the link I provided. Surely you understand that a president has that authority?

Do you think Biden ordered the ATF to classify forced reset triggers as contraband machine guns? Or was that the DS also?


It’s well known that Trump has been countermanded by the DS.

Any document can say that something was ordered by someone without proof that they did.

And even if someone did, it would have been based on a script provided by the DS as we have seen countless times. The same goes for Biden and any other president.

Oh, btw, I can't seem to find Trump's signature or seal of approval on that CFR; not that it would make any difference.

Also, since that CFR was written in 2018, here is his speech about guns on Sept-2019.

This is where he's revealing to everyone about the "DS gun grabs" that people like you blame him for.

At least once, try using some discernment … I’m not holding my breath.


Yes, Trump accuses the democrats of wanting to take guns. Did you notice how Trump did not deny his own gun grab agenda?

Trump does not want the democrats to take away guns. Trump wants to take away our guns, himself. He proved it with his own gun grab and he pushed for gun confiscation without due process.

So by your theory, Biden is not a gun grabber either? It was the DS instead?


It wasn't Trump's gun grab, it was the DS's gun grab.

Biden is part of the DS.


So Trump is part of the DS also? I mean, doesn't Trump just go along with every single thing the DS demands of him?

Trump seemed rather enthusiastic about his anti-gun agenda. Was he just play acting for the "DS cameras"?


You already know that he’s not part of the DS; if he was, they would not be trying to incarcerate him.


I only know that you are very inconsistent. I also know that the DS does not exist as you know it


[–] tvfan (8982) 3 days ago
You already know that he’s not part of the DS; if he was, they would not be trying to incarcerate him.
Hmmmmm, maybe DJT should have taken the stand in his own trial instead of.....

| STFU Trump |||""'|""\__,_
| _____________ l||__|__|__|)

You're welcome!


LMAO. Are you ever going to come up with something original?


Ew. Dude. I hate it when people talk like that.

BTW, if you remember, Trump got elected as the underdog. I would always rather have people feeling they're behind and motivated than bragging that the election's in the bag because it's "an act of God." Please.


That was a movie quote that I manipulated, you dork.


What I was talking about was that Trumpian hyperbole. I don't know the movie you're referencing, but it sounded dead-on like Trumpers swearing that Trump is unstoppable. And when they sound like that, they're 100% serious.


Yikes. I think his teleprompter broke and he just stood there waiting for them to fix it. Gonna be a helluva next four years!


You think four years is all the prison time Trump will get?


lol i just know we have two 80 year old guys running for Pres who can't make it through a speech.

reply have a guy who freezes, talks gibberish, whispers, then yells, shakes hands with thin air, moves like some of his vertebrae are fused, walks like he needs a walker, recently called Kamala Harris President when he was referring to Obama -- and this is when he's reading off a teleprompter! I wouldn't talk about the occasional brain fart. Half the time Trump is working off the teleprompter rather than with it.

But if it's any consolation to you folks, I think Trump actually DID take the vax. Biden was probably warned against it. So if anyone is likely to stroke out, it'd be anyone dumb enough to take the clotshot.


How do you tell the difference between a blood clot caused by too many cheeseburgers in a morbidly obese man like Trump, and one caused by a vaccine?


The structure of the clot.


You're too vague. Be more specific.


Apparently you've never seen the difference between a regular blood clot and what people have been pulling out of what Mark Steyn called the Victims of the Vax.

Now here's where you're supposed to say that the pictures of vaccine blood clots have all been debunked (except they haven't), and then you spike the ball. You also will claim that "Turbo Cancers" have been debunked (except they haven't). Then you call me a conspiracy theorist. Since you're left-wing, you won't call me an anti-Trumper. All the while I'll be thinking of my friends who got the vax and are dead, knowing you undoubtedly were a good little Democrat and got the vax. It's not just being a good little Democrat marching in lockstep that you have to maintain. You'd go mad if you thought of yourself as a ticking time bomb. So you'll fight this like blazes.

Meanwhile, you STILL have a guy who freezes, talks gibberish, whispers, then yells, shakes hands with thin air, moves like some of his vertebrae are fused, walks like he needs a walker, recently called Kamala Harris President when he was referring to Obama -- and this is when he's reading off a teleprompter. You guys are desperate to make Trump look like he needs to be in the Home, but it only reminds us that your guy really needs to be in the Home. Most bets are on someone else taking his place in the General.


I have no guys. Why is it that cult members like you think everyone else is in a cult?

I don't think you have every seen the difference between a regular blood clot and anything else. I doubt that you have any dead vaccinated friends unless they died of something unrelated to a vaccine.


I assume you're a liberal. That's "you guys" in this case. I forgot I have to spell everything out for liberals.

I also forgot that all liberals are mind-readers with crystal balls. 🙄

Meanwhile, you STILL have a guy who freezes, talks gibberish, whispers, then yells, shakes hands with thin air, moves like some of his vertebrae are fused, walks like he needs a walker, recently called Kamala Harris President when he was referring to Obama -- and this is when he's reading off a teleprompter. You guys are desperate to make Trump look like he needs to be in the Home, but it only reminds us that your guy really needs to be in the Home. Most bets are on someone else taking his place in the General.


I'm not a liberal either. Nor am I ever going to vote for Biden. I'm far more conservative than Trump. The way you describe Biden can also be used in large part to describe Trump.


Okay. You're a conservative who doesn't observe very closely.

Biden practically has a mask, which occurs with some cognitive diseases. I could give you a long laundry list of differences, but you'd just say, "No, sir!" and I'd be left wondering how you couldn't see it.

I will give you this -- when Trump kept calling Biden "Obama" in a speech, then said he was just joking, no, he wasn't. I've seen Trump joke, and he wasn't joking.

That's why I wanted DeSantis. Once you get as old as Trump, you age in dog years. But we only have two choices -- unless you want to go with the liberal RFK, Jr. And if you put Trump next to Biden on the average day, Trump does far better than Biden. And since the border is a major security issue, I'd rather have Trump than Biden.


Many people here keep on telling me that Biden sucks. I never disagree with them, but they seem to think that my objections to Trump are some sort of defense for Biden.

Why is Trump better on the border? Neither one has stopped illegals from entering. Trump employees illegals at his businesses. As far as I know, Biden does not hire illegals. Trump has more to lose by stopping illegal immigration.


The notion that Trump has stopped illegals entirely is one that his fans have had, but that Trump used to speak against. He was going to give a path to citizenship to "Dreamers."

But you didn't have 30,000 Chinese nationals flooding across the border under Trump. He's not perfect, but he's one heck of a lot better than Biden. And in a binary system, we have to vote for one of them. I'll vote for Trump.

As for illegals being employed, they should fine anyone -- including Trump -- heavily for employing illegals. But Chuck Schumer said just the other day that we needed the illegals to pick our crops. No, we don't. When I was a kid, WE picked the crops. Especially strawberries. It's how we earned enough to pay for our school clothes.

Come. Biden is importing voters and cheap field hands. That's a lot more important than housekeepers and waiters. Who was the Dem who wanted to know who was going to clean her toilets if we didn't have illegals?

We could do it the way we used to. They can get work visas. With modern technology, they could get the work visas with computer chips on them that would enable the government to track them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What was Trump's path for Dreamers? Got a link to his EO?

Law enforcement does very little to penalize employers who hired illegals. Fine for you to say that people like Trump should be fined, but Trump will tell you to go screw yourself if you tell him that.

Are you going to tell me who "wanted to know who was going to clean her toilets if we didn't have illegals"?

What good does it do to track a person with an ID card when they can just lose it? How do you track an ID card with a chip in it? The chip can't be tracked from orbit or by any other remote means other than a card reader.


Don't you remember Trump's famous picture surrounded by all those "Dreamers," and him making vague promising to deal with them "with heart"? It wasn't an EO. It was one of his many unfulfilled promises. Still, he promised it -- Mr. Tighten The Border.

My bad. It was one of the idiots on The View who wanted to know who was going to clean her toilets. But both Pelosi and Schumer have said that we need illegals to pick crops, which we don't.

If you need the ID to get a job, and in place of a regular ID, it's going to be used a lot. If they lose it, they don't get all the things you need an ID for, plus you can't work. Yes, it would take changing the rules, but it would certainly be worth it.


So Trump lied and used illegal aliens as a photo op to further his agenda. An agenda that did not include doing anything at all for Dreamers. Most of Trump's promises are lies, especially the unfulfilled ones.

So you don't have a name of the person who needed their toilet cleaned? Are you going to harvest the crops to put food on the table? It is an important job. Why don't you step up and do it?

How does requiring an ID stop someone like Trump from hiring illegals? Those people think they are above the law. No one in authority is willing to hold them accountable, yet. We could start by putting people like Trump, who hire illegals, in prison. That would change things.


As I said elsewhere, when I was young, we kids did it. Where I live, we picked beans, peas, various fruits, etc. When I got older, I worked in the canneries on all the fruits, plus corn. Because they enforced the laws, we needed few Green Card holders. We earned enough money to buy the things we needed for the school year.

To my mind, anyone's unfulfilled promise is a lie. Biden lies about the economy and the border. He tells you your grocery prices went down in April. Did yours? Mine didn't.

Why don't I step up and harvest all the crops? Because I have fibro, dysautonomia, and spondylolisthesis. I'm pushing 70 and walk with a walker. Talk sense!

How do laws stop people from breaking them if they think they're above the law? First you have to have a justice system that doesn't also think they're above the law. Then they simply enforce the law without fear or favor. We haven't had that kind of a justice system in this country for years. You don't need to put people who hire illegals in prison. You round up the illegals at the various businesses, sending them back across the border. Then you make a hefty fine -- $250,000, say -- per illegal. However much it would take to put a real dent in their business, or even put them out of business. When they did something similar before, the business owners were happy to fire all the illegals rather than go out of business...once they saw ICE was making the raids of the businesses.

We should save the prisons for the violent criminals, of which there are more than enough. And we shouldn't get all weepy about how the US has more people in prison than any other industrial country. We have more criminals than any other industrial country, and part of the reason why is that we're reticent to put the violent criminals in prison where they belong. We used to build more prisons in times like these. Now we think it's a terrible idea. No. It isn't.


When you were young, there was probably a ton of illegals already working in the fields. Why are you so naive to believe otherwise?

Yes, we need to put the employers of illegal aliens in prison. They are violating the law and facilitating the violation of the law by others.

You say we need to enforce the law and without favor, but you want to let the employers off the hook at the same time? You are a hypocrite.

Allowing a person who violates the law, to just pay a fine, means it is legal for the wealthy. Prison time is the answer.

Employers who fire the illegals after being caught violating the law, but then staying out of prison is not fair. They need to pay the price for their criminal actions.


Okay. First line, and you think you know what life was like back in the '60's. No. You don't. There were some, not many. Just like there weren't a lot of Hispanic kids in school. To pick berries and beans, it was a bunch of white kids who got up at 3am to catch the bus to the fields.

Now tell me we didn't get up that early. Or there was no bus. Or that we wouldn't have been able to spot the illegals in the crowd of elementary school-aged kids.

Dude. You weren't there. And since that's how you argue, I'm done.


I'm an old man myself. I remember the 1960's. I have worked on a farm.

What makes you think the kids of illegal immigrants were going to school with you?

The internet is at your fingertips, there is no reason for you to remain ignorant.
