

"posted 8 days ago by Ticketsplease (4016)
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The "never Trump" vote will be even bigger this time around.

Biden's never been popular, so anyone reading into his low polling thinking he's a 1 termer need to revisit 2020 and understand how he won.

The never Trump vote was huge.

Trump got in on the never Hilary vote and this time around there is not enough anti-Biden sentiment to get him over the line."

Oh, we know how he won alright, especially when Trump was lightyears ahead of Biden the night of that election because I watched ALL OF IT.. And of course, just before midnight, NBC News called it for the night on the ballot count stating they'd pick it up again in the morning on the TODAY Show and when morning came, 8 hours later Biden who was losing miserably was all of a sudden out of nowhere winning this and once again and I'm tired of saying it: Statistically, this was impossible without a little help on the sideline to put him over, ala, the Deep State..


Your argument boils down to something surprising happened that day I woke up so it can’t be true, dad.


I wish they both lost to someone else


I don't think so.Biden has proved himself as worthless politician.He is weakest and most stupid president in last 100 years.He can do nothing in both domestic and foreign policies.Wars and conflicts in all over the world like war in Ukraine or Israel-Hamas war began during his reign.When Trump was a president both in USA and another countries was peace,there were many workplaces,the oil price was low for Russia and China,because of oil production in the USA,and Putin's regime was not so stable as now.Trump was increasing economical,industrial,military,working and social power of the USA,Biden destroys it.Biden is cucoldic.This cucold even can not retaliate islamistic terrorist organizations in Yemen,Lebanon,Iraq,Syria and Iran,who attack US bases.


I believe you mean the 'never trump ballot harvesting' lmao


Whomever wins the next four years will be a shitstorm in the US.


Anyone voting for Joe Biden is cutting off their nose to spite their face. Electing Biden for 4 more years would be committing national suicide.
