MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > I am proud of TRUMP for his emergency-ca...

I am proud of TRUMP for his emergency-call to build Wall.

I know, the idea bugs people because it costs mega-zillions bucks. But the same people dont' mind if we spend the money in granting freebies and welfare from your tax money to support the much self-entitled Central-American foreigners. How utterly special they must be in your opinion.

Thats why you get soooo stressed when it takes 2 hours on the freeway to go 5 miles due to being crowded and infiltrated by them, or you cannot check-out in a timely-manner in a store for the same reason.

No, it's convenient to criticize his looks and personal life to distract from his positve deeds like the much-need wall, which people agree with--but only behind closed doors. Honestly is so difficult for the sheep.


I can't wait for MEXICO to build and pay for the wall, as he promised us. No emergency-call is necessary. Mexicans are on their way - in caravans - with bricks and mortar!


mexico will never pay for the wall.


Neither will democrats.


I think someone should build around you, for all the good you're doing. Someone else will pay for it, and you can be segregated from diversity and me too and whatever else you hate. The sooner the better.


More like a fence last I heard.


If the wall didn't work they wouldn't be so against it. They want illegals to come here, they are votes. They want amnesty. Fill as much as you can, then amnesty. Power forever...and people think have a seat at the table. Please.

Jerusalem's wall dropped terrorists attacks 90%, it works. People can cry their 'muh race isms' all they want, but I'm fucking tired of watching people I know ruin their lives, or die from pill addictions.


Hello B1cKsurN
It's not even about the damn wall anymore, but the attitude in general from people who plain don't care. Whether it's a wall, electric fence, a moat--that's now besides the point. Many people just do not care about criminal activity and the detriment it causes--unless it suits them.

I am sure that there are plenty of people who agree with me about the topic, but they dont' happen to use this board. (Trump receiving 50% of the vote is all I need to know, but the newbies will make excuses and say they are brainwashed and fooled by Trump, as if they don't have a mind of their own). Take care.


Unfortunately your narrative doesn't fit the facts. Obama railed against illegal immigration and he acted upon it. That is why Trump's deportation numbers are similar to Obama's, yet Obama's were way higher than Bush's.

The wall is a waste of money. The whole selling point of the wall was that Mexico would pay for it. If Mexico pays for it as Trump claims then you get your wall because we don't care if Mexico wastes their money. But if we gotta pay for it then we will have to do it intelligently by building something actually works. Something like a bunch of towers that communicate with each other to tell when people are crossing over.

But a wall won't cut it. Thing is people like you and bicksurn know it won't work which is why you never describe how it will work. You just point to gated communities but you never address the fact that it can be climbed over without anyone knowing and it can be walked around through Texas where no wall can be built there unless you jack up the wall price to probably somewhere in the $100 billion range.

None of you address any of that. It's just "wall good, dems bad" even though most republicans say the same thing the democrats are saying about the wall.


If walls don't work then why did terrorist attacks in Jerusalem go down by 90% after it was built?

They work.

In fact, if you are american...your taxes are paying for Israels wall right now!

People on the other side are not going to bother coming if they know a wall is there. Do you think most people are brave enough to jump 20 feet straight down?
