MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump only lasts one term

Trump only lasts one term

Could I be right in saying that?


Only time will tell...

In the meantime, here are some other predictions about Trump.


If he lasts that long.


He'll probably get 2 terms but Dems will take back many seats and he'll quack a lot but be a lame duck for the last 4.


I'd bet my left nut Trump won't get a second term. He BARELY won his first term, and only squeaked into the job by getting seventy-eight thousand or so doofuses to carry him in three states so the Electoral College could work its shady shenanigans and hand him the Presidency.

That won't happen again.


I hope so but the Dems are lacking strong leadership and have no message, they are a mess. The Republicans are well organized and masterful at manipulation and riling their base.


But the Reptard's vaunted base (good term for it, btw, in the sense of being low and repellent) is shrinking and for all the "riling" of them that's being done, the voters who actually possess brain cells and consciences have been discovering how abominable and abhorrent a Trump presidency can really be. They WILL be showing up at the polls in November and in 2020.


I doubt it. He barely got into his first term, and he needed plenty of help with the Russians.


He will get the same help again.
Just because Russians may have been behind some of the internet manipulation, now Repubs will use it as a viable formula to manipulate the sheeple. Didja know Hilary is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor in New York? We all found out John Kerry is the opposite of a hero in the Vietnam War. It's all true, not fake news ! (Sarcasm alert.)


In this day and age, it really shouldn't be the case. One-term presidents haven't been a thing since Carter. HW Bush lost because of Perot. W Bush ended up doing better in his reelection than he did in his first. By all metrics, Trump SHOULD win reelection. If he doesn't, it's only because he is a severely flawed candidate that never deserved to be president in the first place.


Yes, but HW Bush still was a one-termer (he should have had no trouble pushing Perot off to the side, IMO). Just like Carter and Ford (who was a half termer).


Perot was a different level third-party candidate though. Both he and his VP pick were in the presidential debates. He had a ton of money backing his campaign, and was in just as many national ads as Bush and Clinton. It was a legit three-candidate race, but people tend to vote down party lines.


Yes! And the way things are going he might not even last the full term, hopefully.


I was right!
