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Fake News Media Blame Donald Trump for Maryland Newspaper Shooter

Looks like a Satanist hippy!

Shooter had a grudge against paper, but that doesn't stop LibTarded reporters and Hollyweirdos from blaming Trump.

Several people had warned the police about shooter for years. Sound familiar?

Several members of the mainstream media blamed President Donal Trump for a suspect who allegedly killed five journalists on Thursday and reportedly had a longstanding dispute with the newspaper dating back to before Trump even declared his candidacy for the Oval Office.

Per several reports, authorities late Thursday identified Jarrod W. Ramos as the shooter who allegedly opened fire on the news staff of Maryland’s The Capital-Gazette newspaper. It came out shortly thereafter that Ramos had a longstanding battle with the newspaper dating back nearly a decade–one that resulted in lawsuits being filed and the man appearing to create a Twitter account in which he repeatedly bashed the Maryland newspaper for years.


The worthless demokkkrat/media write these stories in advance and just insert names.

Half the reason they despise Trump is they had to rewrite all their “the first woman president” stories they spent all summer writing.

They encourage antifa. They encourage “grouping up and harassing”. They sensationalize rioting. They encourage violence and want it. They’re all a product of the worthless 60s and think having trantrums and invading other peoples rights is how you get your way. Can’t debate? Act like children.



well said.

they're going to be blaming "right-wing white supremacists," no doubt.

one look at the chap will tell you that he has nothing at all to do with the right.

he has a latin-origin surname and looks like a latino or Spanish descendant, and he obviously had some personal grudge against that newspaper.

however, the mainstream news is STILL the enemy of the people, to put it the way Trump said it.


one look at the chap will tell you that he has nothing at all to do with the right.

he has a latin-origin surname and looks like a latino or Spanish descendant

So there are no right-wingers of Latino or Spanish descent? LOL

Or are you saying that Latinos and people of Spanish descent don't "belong" on the Right?

You're not going to look good here with such a blatantly racist post.


let me get this straight, kid. you hate the right and right-wingers and think that we're pieces of shit, yet you call me "blatantly racist" after accusing me of claiming that latinos don't belong in the right.

quit your old-ass "racism" narrative and your intimidation, "this place is mine" tactics. which it's not. and just for your information, I really don't give a fuck if I look good to you.

yes there are right-wingers of latino descent. I said that it was clear he has nothing to do with the right, from his face.

my point was that he was not a "white gun-owning right winger" as the media is claiming, not that latinos cannot be right-wing.


You can read a person's political ideology by looking at his face?

That's some pretty special "woo woo" you have going.


Understanding human faces is what the human brain does best, part of being social creatures. We can distinguish hippies from rednecks pretty easily, even though they both might have crazy beards.


Okay, that's cool, maybe you shouldn't have reduced the sentence I quoted down to just "the right," then. Obviously it's quite misleading when you actually mean he has nothing to do with "white supremacists."

my point was that he was not a "white gun-owning right winger" as the media is claiming

I like how you moved from "they're going to be blaming "right-wing white supremacists," no doubt."

Now you're full-on saying that the "media" is CURRENTLY claiming he's a "white gun-owning right winger."

Where is the "media" claiming this?

See now you've dug yourself a whole new hole by being a blatant liar instead.

LOL you just can't seem to communicate very well, it seems. That's probably because your native language is Russian?


again, you're full of crap. nitpicking about nothing because you've run out of arguments. "white gun-owning right winger" and "right-wing white supremacist" is all the same to you. I don't think it matters anyway as it's ALL propaganda.

Have you even read the title of this post? DONALD TRUMP is blamed? Hello? I thought Trump was a white supremacist in your book. If you want to see examples of the media claiming something, turn on CNN.

You just can't seem to argue very well, kid, so you invent all sorts of cover.

For your information, conservatives are not "Russian trolls." what are they telling you now, that USSR was "right-wing fascism," that you are the good guys, and that conservatives and the right wing is either some sort of violent Russia-controlled fringe or do not exist. When you LibTards say things like this it makes your idiotic stupidity, your small brains, and your susceptibility to being brainwashed look blitheringly obvious.

We do exist, and we are most definitely not Russkies. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


Can’t debate? Act like children.

And here is a perfect example of how to act like a child when you aren't capable of debating:
"The worthless demokkkrat/media"

You were too afraid to even acknowledge Trump's blatant lies, you danced around that and literally turned a blind eye to it BECAUSE YOU'RE A LYING, COWARDLY TROLL.

It's funny that you post "worthless" all the time because that's all you are, and every post you make is the same empty-headed WHINING.


you are clearly out of arguments and so like the rest of the left engage in red herrings and personal attacks with no basis whatsoever. you're full of crap.
