MovieChat Forums > jasonbourne033

jasonbourne033 (105)


My post about the Travel Ban ('Thank God') Deleted Ho, ho ho. What have we here... I cried. I'm Jason Bourne I'm Jason Bourne Haven't watched this movie, don't think I will this gbennet guy... Need the name of a movie Nation of Islam View all posts >


(Continued) However it does not mean you should not use as many magazines as you need, training is what matters to be able to make that count and of course a lot depends on the situation, again: major shit may happen. I for example carry 3 extra mags with my S&W Shield, because I do prefer single-stack for CC, and sometimes a second handgun. I do not use tactical light/laser on the gun as I do feel it Interfere s with use but I do carry one separately with the rest of my EDC. I do have light and laser on the full-size handgun (P226) in my vehicle. I have engaged from and around moving and stopped vehicles but I cannot say I have done it while driving a moving vehicle, that was something. Especially in texas. One would think no one would be stupid enough to attempt carjacking in texas. Nice to see another EDC gun-owner here, I think we all are from more or less the same walk of life, we are all prepared to do whatever is needed in defense of those around us, and we are all Duty-oriented Assholes so there is no need to lose our minds over minor disagreements over each man's Tactics techniques & Procedures. It All depends on the threat(s)'s own mindset and training. For instance that pattern in the engagement you described, is very common. Threat leaves and then returns. The stress and the (I'm getting shot at) instinct proves to be too much for them until rage or persistence causes them to re-engage. That why Special Forces engagements tend to be over very rapidly (very highly trained vs. well-trained to not trained at all). That was also the general gist of the comment I made, it's actually not a statement I constructed myself, it's actually somewhat well-known. Special Forces SOP for example is to engage with your rifle, if you run through your mag and the threat(s) is more than 20 or so meters from you, reload by muscle memory. If you are at less than 20 meters you drop the rifle and draw your sidearm, which is in condition 1, and keep firing whereupon if you again run out of ammo you reload the pistol again as it is faster to reload than your rifle. The general idea is not to "conserve bullets" but to minimize the amount of time you are not able to neutralize threats. Hence the truth oF my statement, if you are in close quarters with armed threat(s) and your firearms ceases to expunge bullets with fire and fury you are not having a good day whatsoever. It’s that few seconds it takes to reload and do the manual of arms, however fast I may be, that makes the use of more than 1 mag tenuous (IN SOME SITUATIONS, especially against trained assaulters). In your situation for instance you had 20 seconds to load that extended mag and re-establish situational awareness. Real life is not like the movies. not to mention firing GUNS in the air... What a fictional, nonexistent world you live in. again, you're full of crap. nitpicking about nothing because you've run out of arguments. "white gun-owning right winger" and "right-wing white supremacist" is all the same to you. I don't think it matters anyway as it's ALL propaganda. Have you even read the title of this post? DONALD TRUMP is blamed? Hello? I thought Trump was a white supremacist in your book. If you want to see examples of the media claiming something, turn on CNN. You just can't seem to argue very well, kid, so you invent all sorts of cover. For your information, conservatives are not "Russian trolls." what are they telling you now, that USSR was "right-wing fascism," that you are the good guys, and that conservatives and the right wing is either some sort of violent Russia-controlled fringe or do not exist. When you LibTards say things like this it makes your idiotic stupidity, your small brains, and your susceptibility to being brainwashed look blitheringly obvious. We do exist, and we are most definitely not Russkies. Be afraid. Be very afraid. no, they are not. I agree this is getting ridiculous. I said aggression, not use of force. actually I was never alerted. Edit - Now that I have reported this, I was sent a message claiming that the post was removed due to violating guidelines about "encitement" and "discrimination and hate". What a load of bullcrap. despicable prick out of the depths of hell. no doubt. yup. View all replies >