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Censorship: Entire European Identitarian Movement Permanently Banned From Facebook

Welcome to 1984, EU version! I'm sure the local fascist left will celebrate too.

The ban impacts all branches of the identitarian movement, including in Britain, Austria, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Hungary, and France, where the original Generation Identitaire group was founded.

The French wing of the movement put out a press release when censorship of their pages began earlier this year, saying: “By depriving Generation Identitaire of any representation on its platform, Facebook tries to gag a political movement that has accumulated hundreds of thousands of subscribers throughout Europe.”

“Our lawyer has already put Facebook on notice to reactivate all Generation Identitaire and Defend Europe pages. If the company administering the network does not run, we will immediately initiate legal proceedings,” they added, indicating a possible future legal battle with the social media giant.

The British branch of the movement, which started last year with a banner drop on Westminster bridge, also put out a statement, accusing Facebook of banning the personal accounts of activists for as little as sharing the logo of the group, the Greek letter lambda.

The ban comes only months after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg was grilled by U.S. Republican Senator Ted Cruz on the subject of censoring conservatives.

“There are a great many Americans who I think are deeply concerned that Facebook and other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship,” Cruz said.


Oh oh here's an idea. Don't be a racist, how about that. You do the crime, you do the time


Next you will tell us it's antisemitic to oppose nationalism if it's Jewish.

But more importantly it doesn't matter because it is illegal for a public company to deny service.


1. Don't try to justify their racism with a far fetched exaggerated argument.
2. It's not illegal to ban someone if their found to be violating terms of services.


Time for the courts to fix that.


How? By forcing sites to either remove the terms of service for THEIR sites or forcing them to allow content THEY view to be something they don't want on THEIR site?

Because you know what will happen? They'll just shut down. imdb message boards are an example. It just became too much for them to moderate because of the offensive content so they shut the boards down.


So the wedding cake baker just needed to make a terms of service that says no homo and it's all good morally and legally? This is not get out of jail free card.


Every day that goes by, we see "morals" have no place in Trumps AmeriKKKa

Sadly, the baker probably saw a bump in business because...

a) There are a LOT of small minded bigots and hate mongers in the mid west who hide behind the Bible as their "Get Out of Humanity" card, so it was not more trouble than it was wort for the baker to be an asshat.

b) On the whole, the left is more passive than the right. As an example, the left protested the baker and then moved on. The alt-right not only tried to drive the Red Hen out of business, in their typical moronic ill-informed fashion....they trolled and protested the WRONG Red Hen!


It's not racist to oppose fake refugees. Time for billion $ lawsuits against Big Tech.


Quit calling us "racist."

Expressing thought, contrary to your leftist values, is not a crime.


The use of the term "leftist" does not help paint you as innocent victims. It shows discriminatory viewpoints and behavior.


Actually, I wasn't trying to 'paint myself as an innocent victim'. Your thought patterns are very deeply leftist. And as I said, quit calling me "wacist" for pointing out facts and standing for civilized ways of life and traditional values.


Sorry, pudding, I was a Republican from 1983 until 2016. Just not an alt-right Nazi supporter.


I find it troubling that you decry my use of the term "leftist" yet are OK with calling me "alt-right."

I am anything but a Nazi supporters. I recommend your read my replies under the post 'Nation of Islam' if you want to be de-brainwashed of the false notion that conservatives, right-wingers or Trump supporters are Nazis.


I didn't say YOU were alt-right.I said I was NOT alt-right.

Amazingly, as with all of my life, I'm not bothering to discuss you.


Perfect. I'm not wasting time debating your bait-and switch either, so you can go back to watching CNN. Keep thinking right-wingers are Nazis; it's easier that way.


BBC, not CNN. The best analysis of our country sadly comes from outside our country.

Right wingers are not Nazis. They're supporters of a Nazi sympathizer. And even then, it's the alt-right that has swallowed the right-wing. Sadly, the right-wing currently has spineless jellyfish in power who won't dare speak against the storm unless they're leaving office or dying.


Alllrighty then! "So - you - can - go - back - to - watching - BBC." Happy now?

As I've explained countless times, Trump, and the right, are NOT Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. And no, I do not agree with your left winger analysis of the right wing.


Wow. I'm pretty sure we need a dedicated platform as Youtube, Facebook etc. will not be stopped by lawsuits from censoring, discriminating against traditional values.



Whites on the right should just form their own tight-nit community neighborhoods where they don't have to share with other races. That way they'll be less inclined to complain about it when the bombs go off and some Muslim terrorist blows up, mows down, acid throws, beheads some other minority or leftist. Everyone is happy then.
