MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Petition started to stop separating of f...

Petition started to stop separating of families, please sign it.

If we get enough votes we can petition Congress to pass a new law. Please sign and support illegals.


Nah, I'd just rather vote the bastards out in November.


did you see the name of the petition? Bubba the Neckbeard thinks he's being clever. I'm sure he got the link on Brietbart.


Yeah, I look very closely at links before clicking, too many alt-right cuckoos on this board trying to get traffic on their bonehead sites.


Its a real petition Mr Sandoz. Although I still don't get the neckbeard thing I do think its funny.


Let's just wear our $39 Zara jackets like Melania does!


I guess they couldn’t get enough votes to stop Obama from putting kids in mythical cages.


37,534 of 40,000 signatures.

We are close, come on guys sign it! Obama must be stopped!


I love it when the Trumptards admit Obama was tough on immigration. It's always good to see Trump supporters admitting that Trump was up his own ass during his 2016 campaign when he claimed nothing was being done about it. To defend Trump, the alt-right now has to take a big whiff of Obama's record deportations and nod their head in compliance. It's fcking hilarious.


And I love how the left blindly hates anything Trump does, but when it's the same as Obama his supporters are somehow assoles. They don't ever seem to bother with acknowledging their hypocrisy though. What they conveniently ignore is that most of Trump's supporters are actually moderates. Unfortunately the left has decided that if you don't agree with them you are a Nazi.


I love the irony of your statement. Lets analyze it closer.

Obama was tough on immigration.

When Obama is tough on immigration, its a good thing. When Trump is tough on immigration its a bad thing. ironic?

Obama's record deportations

When Obama deports illegals, its good thing. When Trump deports illegals its a bad thing. ironic?

How many people have been deported under Obama?
President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.


The left doesn't care at all about any children separated from their families, their outrage over the boarder situation is phony. They are just desperately looking for anything to attack their President on because they are butthurt and filled with hate. That and the fact that they are too stupid to realize that President Trump didn't start the policy of child separation but he just ended it with his executive order. I would laugh at how pathetic it is unfortunately their rhetoric has gotten so extreme that it's now become incredibly dangerous and they are going to inspire some mentally unstable radical to start killing people (much like what happened at the baseball game).


I was going to bring up the baseball game thing but couldn't find a good segue. The Peter Fonda thing didn't even register a blip on the national news radar. I know the left and right hate each other equally but what liberals are saying is pretty vile.

I heard about this book a while back its pretty interesting.

The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America

First published in 1962, this wonderfully provocative book introduced the notion of “pseudo-events”—events such as press conferences and presidential debates, which are manufactured solely in order to be reported—and the contemporary definition of celebrity as “a person who is known for his well-knownness.” Since then Daniel J. Boorstin’s prophetic vision of an America inundated by its own illusions has become an essential resource for any reader who wants to distinguish the manifold deceptions of our culture from its few enduring truths.


Democrats know no boundaries, they have no problem attacking family members including wives and children and then they create some half assed way to justify their hate. Keep in mind these are the same people who posted pictures of Trig Palin next to a clothes hangar. I'm glad the secret service has been alerted about Peter Fonda, his privacy needs to be invaded as he is clearly an unstable individual but the sad thing is most on the left are just like him, he is not just some far left extremist.


Also since this was also happening under Obama's watch (and Obama didn't stop it like Trump did) I'm guessing Peter Fonda would have no problem snatching Sasha and Malia from Michelle's arms and then throwing them in cages with pedophiles??? I personally would not condone that but by Peter Fonda's logic that is perfectly within reason.

I doubt he would ever say that though because he's a coward.


I can guarantee it that if someone had said they exact same thing about Sasha and Melia that it would have caused a shitstorm of epic proportions. I find it sad and disconcerting the people on the right have not spoken up about this yet. I also wonder what would have happened if someone had pulled "Kathy Griffin" on Obama?


Oh if you even questioned Obama’s policies you were some kind of racist in the eyes of the Demokkkrats but on the other hand the left is allowed to wish abortion on special needs children, attack the way conservative women dress and threaten to kill the president. I would laugh at the lefts obvious hypocrisy and double standard if their rhetoric wasn’t so dangerous. The way the left treats conservatives reminds me a lot of the civil rights era and Nazi Germany



When Obama is tough on immigration, its a good thing.
That's just your assumption because you're an idiot who only watches Fox Noise. The left repeatedly criticized Obama for his deportations. Nobody on the left ever said they were a good thing.

That's TYT, the bastion of progressive media, criticizing Obama on his deportations, and even going so far as to praise Bush for trying to avoid those deportations with immigration reform.
