MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Still the front-runner for 2020?

Still the front-runner for 2020?

Can anyone beat him?


The question is, can he beat anyone. He is roundly despised. Filthy, dirty, lying, greedy, sexually-abusing, selfish buffoon. If he somehow makes it to 2020 (and he won't) he has no chance. What an embarrassment to our once great land he is.


It's that arrogance that Trump can't win that ended up getting him elected. Democrats still don't have their act together and Bloomberg predicted Trump has a 55% chance of winning. I agree. The media is floating Biden's name. It would make more sense to find a young, intelligent candidate with a strong message and new ideas. France was able to find that with President Macron who beat Trumplike- candidate LePen in a landslide.


Hillary did get 3 million more votes, though.


Stop that shit. The time to complain about the electoral college was before trump won, and the many years before that.

You wanna change the system, that fine. But youre going to have to realise that america is a big place and different people need/want different things. The EC as it stands means that every state has an equal vote. If you move to a single vote system the candidates will stop campaigning in the smaller states. Youll end up with a whole section of your populous thats ignored because there just isnt enough of them to matter. And thats how civil wars start.


"The EC as it stands means that every state has an equal vote."

The vote is not equal. For instance, Wyoming has one elector per 187,923 residents. California has one elector per 677,355 residents which means that there is a disparity of representation by 3.6 to 1. The EC was created to give slave states more power. It's outdated and needs to be replaced in order for all Americans to have an equal vote.

"If you move to a single vote system the candidates will stop campaigning in the smaller states."

That's another lie. In the last election, 2/3 of campaigning went to just 6 states - swing states. Many small and large states were completely ignored with no campaigning. See attached link for campaign map:


Ask scotland if thats a lie. The UK is made up of 4 countries. The largest population is england. No matter how Scotland, northern Ireland or Wales vote, england will decide. In the past 70 years, if you remove the vote of scotland it makes no difference to the outcome of the election.

The last election was a fuck up, and the reason clinton lost. She sat on her arse and didnt go where she needed to go. Her "theyre not my people" attitude fucking stank. She ignored people and trump took the vote with out any trouble. Her arrogance lost her that election and to be honest, I dont see her being any better a pick than trump. You can list his faults all day, but her list is just as long. Just because its a different list doesnt make it better.

Youre right about the EC, I miss spoke in that thats how its supposed to work. It is indeed outdated and needs replaced, but there needs to be a voice for each state.


"...there needs to be a voice for each state."

Currently, there isn't. Politicians ignore a state like Wyoming or Montana for two reasons:
1)They have very few electors.
2)They usually vote for one party.

If you have a popular vote, then the politicians are forced to campaign everywhere because every vote will count especially in a close election.

You're also forgetting that even in a majority Democratic state like New York or California, there is still a Republican minority vote that is not counted in the present situation. A popular vote means that their votes would matter, too.

In a close election, Scotland would make a difference in an election. Anyway, the United Kingdom was a bad example since American rural areas are not foreign countries. France is a better example with their 20% rural population which is heard and represented by their government which uses a popular vote and logical election laws. For example, no presidential candidate can spend more than 24.8 million dollars for their whole campaign which means no special interest groups nor big business buying politicians. Let's deal with reality, American politicians ignore people and kowtow to corporate lobbyists. Even Trump has only been doing the Koch Brothers bidding:


I think you may be under the impression im right wing, I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.

The popular vote will not work. You can say its fair till your blue in the face, but its simply not true. Differenet parts of the country need different things, have different beliefs etc etc. Large population centres like the new yorks and the californias are all that would matter. The smaller states would still be ignored.

Scotland is not a bad example, because it an example of a group that has different values than the larger population. But because it has one tenth the population its largely ignored. Perhaps I wasnt clear before, The scottish vote has not made a difference in over 70 years! Thats 70 years of being ignored. Thats 70 years of having no recourse when dissatisfied with our government. Scotland cant vote out a government like it would have loved to do in the 80s when it was being raped the the tory government. And no, rape is not a strong word if anything its not a strong enough word. Scotland has by and large become a group of second class citizens. No voice, no options, no representation. The average life span in scotland is lower than that of england, yet rules made for england in regards to retirement age apply to scotland. That means that even although scots live shorter lives, the must work as long as those who live longer lives. This is the issues that america will face if it moves to a popular vote. Large areas of the population will be ignored due to population density. They will be grouped together by life style, by needs, by life expectancy. The list will go on. Those in large population centres will have better access to education, health services and policing.

There is a lot the needs to change. Getting money out of politics would be an amazing start. No more gravy train. No more jobs waiting in the wings after a term of service where the politician served the interests of the company hiring him/her.


Scotland voted to stay in the United Kingdom with the knowledge that they have a smaller population. They can vote for independence, join the EU and rely on themselves to build up their own economy. The situation in the U.S. is different. No state is leaving.

The rural states will always have representation from their Senators (each state has 2 giving an equal voice to each state) and their Congress reps. Both are elected by popular vote. A system in which a president loses the majority of popular votes but still becomes president is going to eventually change. There are demographic shifts as well as the National Popular Vote bill which needs 270 electoral votes. It's up to 165.

BTW, Trump is not representing rural people. They'll figure that out when they have no health insurance and still no high paying factory/mining jobs that he promised.

"Getting money out of politics would be an amazing start."
Not going to happen. Too many people who are easily brainwashed by propaganda. They would probably think getting money out of politics is socialist.


The reason scotland stayed part of the uk is down to simple minds. Simple minds that couldnt be bothered to educate themselves as to what independence would actually mean. Some thought it meant scotland would be giving up the queen, and if you kow anything about scotland youll know its a place that has deep religious barriers running through it. The queen would stillhave been the head of state, but they were so scared of losing her(for some stupid reason) that they voted to stay. Other thought the country would be worse off thanks to being bombarded by propaganda from the right wing Rupert Murdock led tabloids. for others they thought they were voting for the SNP to take over scotland forever. So as you can see lots of dumb people, at least 55%.

You see its actually worse than they voted to stay and have no say in how the uk is run, that 55% actually did that even though the disabled population was and still is being brutalised by the current tory government. And when I say brutalised I mean the families of people who have died of cancer are being told that their dead family members are fit to work and not eligible for help. Some people have even died during the assessments and been found fit for work. And yet england voted for more of that. And scotland voted by 55% to remain a part of that.

And yes, sadly you are right. The right wing propaganda machine has most people brain washed that anything that might help with is socialism and anything that actually is socialism and/or communism. Imagine getting angry because someone whats to offer you free healthcare? Thats just beyond stupid.

And yes, I know trump isnt representing the rural people and my guess is that even though they will be much worse off, their pride will stop them from ever admitting that they choice poorly. I expect trump to win another term just because of pure stupidity.


I've given up on both the United Kingdom and United States and I'm hoping that the European Union becomes much stronger to fight any damage that a Trump presidency or Putin can do.

Scottish independence means nothing without strong Scottish political leadership and economic strength. Are the Scottish polticians doing anything to improve the situation for the Scottish people right now? Is the Scottish economy strong enough to meet the qualifications to enter the EU? Presently, it seems that Scotland is in a bad situation if they stay or leave the UK.

In the United States, there was too much apathy from millennials and traditional Democrats in key swing states who decided not to vote because Sanders had lost or they assumed Trump couldn't win so I don't blame only rural voters. Democrats and angry Independents should be more energized in 2018 and 2020. Anyway Trump is 70, doesn't exercise, stressed and getting fatter. Trump in 2020 is questionable.


Scotland has oil, and of course can sell that. Before the referendum there were questions about how much oil was left, with the unionists claiming there was none left. Of course within weeks of the referendum it turned out there was a newly discovered field with loads of the stuff.

But even without the oil Scotland has loads to offer. The unionists claim that Scotland is a burden on the uk. Yet the Torys who have almost no support in the country fought tooth and nail to keep Scotland a part of the uk. Even going so far as to lie about a great many things including the oil. The Labour Party joined together with the Torys against Scottish independence. For a country that supposedly brings nothing to the table, a lot of people went out of their way to make sure it didn't leave.

One of the best things about Scotland is that most of them saw that the two party state wasn't working and supported a third. The scottish national party. A party made up of people with different ideologies but a central goal of having Scotland be self determining. At the last election they got 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland. Almost every Scottish seat. And that was after the referendum. Interestingly at the time of the referendum there was an assertion by the Russians that the referendum had been done in a not so on the up manner.

The eu gaining strength might be s problem. With the U.K. Voting to leave there will be a great many other members watching how it goes. If the uk ends up being no the first of many, that might cause a big problem for the region, as I see putins Russia continuing to push boundaries and with trump saying America will be moving away from supporting the eu there won't really be anyone strong enough to stop them.


Europeans appear to be horrified by Brexit and Trump and that may have been the turnaround needed to strengthen candidates who support the EU and democracy. This helps Merkel and Renzi in their upcoming elections.

A strong EU is needed because presently Trump is with Putin. I like the pushback that world leaders and my local politicians have been giving him. Trump's power is only temporary, but it'll take time to vote him out or impeach him.

The world is moving away from oil and towards green energy which will effect prices. Trump left the Paris Agreement because oilmen Koch Brothers pull his strings. Two sociopath brothers who don't feel their 80 billion dollar networth is enough!

Scotland's future vote on leaving the U.K. will probably depend on what happens to Scotland's economy after Brexit.


What proof is there that Trump is with Putin? No one has presented any as of yet. In fact it is more apparent that Putin and China are making aggressive moves because they feel threatened by Trump. Why would they be threatened if they were super secret pen pals?

The rest of your post is just CNN buzzwords and headlines, and overall just socialistic nonsense. You have no facts or evidence to support a single one of these claims.


lol Are you fucking serious? At least six of the guys around trump have all been caught lying about being in communication with russia. Theres proof of that everywhere, you can google it yourself Im not your fucking search engine.

Must be nice to be able to dismiss truth as buzzwords. Which I could bury my head in the sand and not take any personal responsibility for the dumb fuck you voted for. Im not in the US mr dickhead. Im dont get bombarded with dogshit propaganda from fox news and cnn. But who gives a shit, I have ears and eyes and Ive seen and heard what trump has said and done. You must be one clueless piece of shit to still believe hes fighting for the little guy and that hes not a fucking traitor.


which six? the anonymous sources?

There is evidence that Flynn and Manafort may have colluded, keyword right now is "may" have. Because you watch a lot of CNN and get your news from google, both of which have a left wing biased, anti-Trump agenda; you attribute any speculation of collusion as evidence. The fact of the matter is there has been no proof offered and only some anonymous sources are claiming to have some. But they have not been identified nor provided said proof. So yes, right now no proof. Speculation does not equal guilt. There is a special investigator looking into the case and we will eventual get the fact. Until then, shut the fuck up. You are casting a guilty verdict before there is even a 'trial'.


No your right. All this smoke must be coming from the sky, cant be a fire at all. I guess when trump tried to end sanctions against russia as soon as he got into office, thats just one them coinkydink things right?

The fact theres a steady stream of information coming from investigators is all a big conspiracy by the left. Trump is so innocent, theres no one in the history of the world that ever been more innocent than him. Its all lies to get pence to be president. Fucking moron.


More sophistry I see. How can there be any reasonable discussion of evidence when you are being unreasonable with a decided mind. Yes there is smoke, but still no fire. And even if there is a fire it does not necessary mean it was fire created by Trump. You are assuming he is guilty and acting like you privy to information no one else has. That is just being dishonest to prove your side of the argument.

Is it possible there will be evidence and Trump will be proven guilty? Yes of course there is. But it is intellectually dishonest to say you know the facts when we do not have any yet. So again I say, until there is some actual evidence, shut the fuck up.


Dude, fuck off. Why is everyone around trump lying? Why are they all being caught in those lies about their contact with russia?

Seriously just fuck off. Bury your head in the fucking sand and take up the arse like a good little drone.


"Dude, fuck off. Why is everyone around trump lying? Why are they all being caught in those lies about their contact with russia?"

Name one person that has been proven to lie besides Flynn and Manafort? Sessions? his contact was in legal capacity as a senator and had nothing to do with the Trump campaign, as far as we know. You have no evidence and you know you don't; so you just try to shout real loud hoping the truth will just vanish.

"Seriously just fuck off. Bury your head in the fucking sand and take up the arse like a good little drone."

This coming from one that has their head so far up their own ass they can see out their tonsils is rather funny.


Trust me, the propaganda machine is working full time to convince the Uk public that they are going to keep all the good stuff from the eu but get rid of all the bad stuff. The message is that the eu is bad. Run by megalomaniacs that want to control the block without being voted into power. The people of the uk are every bit as dumb as those that thought a vote for trump was a vote for change. This election on the 8th will be a sign if they have been paying attention over the past 7 years. If its another resounding win for the torys then its all fucked unfortunately. The eu will have to be strong and dictate to the uk how it leaves so as not to encourage other countries to leave as well.


The EU is bad, adding heavy levels of bureaucracy to anything is bad. It just gives people authority and power to use the government to establish there will.

It is an ad hominem to assume any one whom votes a particular way is "dumb". To me anyone that voted for Obama more than once is dumb. But that is not an argument.


The EU is not what its claimed to be by its detractors. Its not responsible for the things that people blame it for. Thats the point. And yes, voting for something a political party whose policies wouldnt look of place on 1940s german manifesto does make you dumb. As just one example the disabled have been vilified and abused by the government in the UK since before 2010. The government pushing the blame of the recession on to their backs, even though we all know it was the fucking banks, the muppets are believing them. Disabled people are dying by the thousands every year as a direct consequence of the governments actions against them and still the muppets voted them back into power in 2015. Not only voting them back in, but giving them more seats and more power to abuse the disabled.

But fuck the disabled right? Who cares about them. What about closing british steel something they said they wouldnt do if elected, and replacing it with cheap china steel? Would that be a good enough reason not to vote for them? What about selling rail contracts to the chinese instead of british firms? What about giving energy contracts to the french instead of british energy companies? Theyve done nothing but sell the country out to foreign businesses but the uk public blames the fucking immigrates because the right wing tabloids tell them to. Does that make them fucking dumb yet to you?


I like that you think that bureaucracies are so innocent and would in no way be subject to man's inherit corruptibility. I would not say I am an economic expert but I have done a good deal of studying in the subject and it is factual to say blotted governmental regulations hurt businesses. Businesses are the job creators that enable the government to collect taxes from both the business and the people. If we lived in some bizzare socialistic fantasy land, most businesses would fall apart people would loss jobs and there would be no money for the government to collect from them. How will they help the disabled when they themselves have no money.

Economies do the best when there are lighter regulations allowing businesses to flourish. Of course there will be corruption there always is. It is the job of the government to monitor and punish those abuses, not to be the great overseer of all aspects of the economy.


So, so , so much needs to change. Simply changing how the vote is done wont be enough. Clinton winning the popular vote wouldnt have actually changed anything. Shes still in the pocket of somebody. Same shit different face telling you america is number one.

House of cards is suppose to be drama, not a fucking documentary. Things seriously need to change. And it cant just be outrage every 4 years. It has to be a constant pressure to see a real change in the country. Imagine what the country, hell, the world would look like if governments were actually held to account by the people? People get so wrapped up in left and right and never see that its actually us and them. Whether we agree on health care, or gun laws or wars in whatever part of the world we're fucking up this week, we should all agree that our representatives should be representing us, and not just lining their own pockets.


Totally agree. I've been paying close attention to the last presidential election in France and I'm amazed by their system.

The official presidential campaigning lasts only 5 weeks. Each candidate can only spend 24.8 million dollars maximum. No donations from companies allowed. Individuals can donate up to $5,000 to a presidential campaign. Political ads are illegal.

The Russians tried to interfere in their elections with an email leak and fake news, but presidential campaigns and news have to shutdown campaign information 48 hours before elections start so it didn't work.

Macron ran as a centrist and he has been creating his new political party from both main parties, Republican and Socialist politicians. Opposing parties working together! Macron took office only one week after winning.

Now they are in the middle of electing parliament which is like our Congress. This lasts only 3-4 weeks. The public wants him to be able to pass legislation easily so there is an effort to vote for the candidates who will support him. Again, people of different parties are coming together for the greater good!

Half his cabinet are women and diversified. He's changing laws to clean up politics, create jobs, lower taxes and lower the deficit.

Unfortunately, our system won't change because it needs to come from people and too many have been manipulated into attacking a different ideology instead of a corrupt system bought by big business. Gun laws, wars and health insurance are all tied to corporations wanting to make more money.


I could not agree with you more if I tired. Brilliant post.


Too bad about those yellow vest extremists.


Hillary did get 3 million more votes, though.

Dumb libtard.

No, she did not. You libs need to quit saying that as it is factually WRONG!!!.

Trump was leading in popular and electoral votes by the time he hit 270. Hitlary Cunton only finally surpassed Trump in popular votes early the next day when Trump had already crossed the finish line making Hitlary's votes moot. Without the EC, Hitlary probably would have won (and we would be engaged in a WW3). But since we still have the EC, whatever candidate gets 270 wins and anything that happens after that doesn't mean shit.

So suck it you butt-hurt libtard pervert loving fag.


meta version:


lie. catchphrase.

diversion. catchphrase catchphrase. half truth.

catchphrase. catchphrase. catchphrase.

great argument. ;)


Your repeating a lie doesn't turn it into a truth. Clinton won by 3 million votes.

BTW, there will be continuous war by the United States because it is big business and billionaires need to make money. Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangers re: the “military-industrial complex”. Nobody listened.

Trump has been very obviously campaigning for war against North Korea and Iran. It has nothing to do with security and everything to do with giving taxpayers' money to enrich certain military-based corporations. There are thousands of lobbyists who want war.

Try educating yourself and representing yourself (and your party) as something a bit more than an ignorant bigot.


World war 3 has been going on for years buddy, I dont know what the fuck your talking about. And so far trump seems to be doing a damn good job of making things worse. Except with russia. For some reason hes making them really happy. Hes already put up a wall between the US and europe, which gives russia more power in the region to expand its borders into the Ukraine for example.

Youre going to have to accept that trump lied to you. So please stop doubling down on stupid.


I agree. New blood would be a positive.


New blood is desperately needed. Both sides of the divide are so corrupt its not even funny anymore. Get money out of politics and set term limits for every seat. No more of this job for life shit for old gits who do nothing.



The short answer is at this point, nobody knows. A whole lot can happen in four years.



What makes you think he'll be around in 2020. I predict he will either be impeached or resign because of upcoming crisis. This is going to be a Nixon redux. Hopefully soon.


I don't think a fellow Republican could steal the nomination from him, but who knows (I would take John Kasich over Donald Trump any day).

As for Democrats or other parties, I say that Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or Tulsi Gabbard could contend with or outright beat him.


If Trump keeps acting like a spoiled 10 year old girl then a sack of flour will beat him in 2020.
