MovieChat Forums > Andy Taylor Discussion > The IMDb bio doesn't even mention Duran ...

The IMDb bio doesn't even mention Duran Duran.

He was a key member of the band. It would seem that would be his claim to fame.


Fun Fact - none of the Taylors in Duran Duran were related (Duranie Andy).


Okay. But Andy Taylor was a member of Duran Duran and they ignore it. I dunno, clue me in, what else has this guy done which anyone would notice? His main claim to fame is Duran Duran, no?


Oh absolutely, not disagreeing with you at all.


(Duranie Andy).

Reported for bad punage.


Duran Duran fans were called Duranies (Fun Fact Andy).


Duranie here checking in




I didn't know that. Reporting averted.


I can sleep easy tonight.


That's interesting...I really loved his guitar work in Duran Duran and he had a solo song called "Take It Easy" that I really liked.


He also wrote and produced songs for Rod Stewart (Rock Trivia Andy).


Awesome! I had forgotten that he was in Power Station as you, I love their version of "Get It On (Bang A Gong)" and prefer it to the original T-Rex version.


Much more importantly is that he was in the supergroup The Power Station which cut one of the best albums of the 1980s.


I preferred their version of Get It On to the original.


Interesting. I always saw Power Station as an evolution of Duran Duran, without Simon LeBon of course. But then LeBon had his band Arcadia.

Oh yeah, and then Robert Palmer fronted Power Station.

Though I like Palmer's solo stuff, I think both Power Station and Palmer merit the term "corporate rock".


The IMDb bio DOES mention Duran Duran.


Okay, and it also mentions Princess Diana and Rod Stewart. Still.


Is that right? Well Duran Duran did have its day. They were huge around 1983-84.

Actually into 1985 because the theme song they did for a Bond movie - "A View to a Kill" - went straight to #1.

The band started to fragment after that. By 1987-88, they were irrelevant.

Big time for a little while there though.

Also, the three Taylors (in the band I mean) are not related.


In my opinion Duran Duran jumped the shark with "A View to a Kill". Their best work was before 1984.


Eehh - most of their stuff sounds ridiculous nowadays.

On occasion, I'll listen to "Save a Prayer". That's about it (in today's world).

Back in the day, I did like most of their stuff - including "A View to a Kill".

It was good, fun music for the 1980s.


Haha. Disagree on the "ridiculous". I still love them at their peak with songs like "Rio" and "Hungry Like the Wolf".


Wanted to jump in and say that their first album is amazing with that more of a New Romantic and almost a slight Disco vibe to it. Planet Earth has to be one of their best songs ever.


Agreed. I still see their early 80's work as their best. Songs like "A View to a Kill" and "The Reflex" I regard as artistic decline to appeal to American top 40.

Good point as New Wave started out as "disco" dance punk. And Duran Duran did have a New Romantic feel.


Yeah, its an 80s band that made 80s music. Most of it has not aged well.

I suppose "Rio" and "Hungry LIke the WOlf" are still tolerable today. "The Reflex" is a good example of a track that sounds absurd now.

ANyway, before I cut out here - I've read around this thread - it got me thinking back to the 1980s. I can only talk of what I experienced. I liked DD a lot in that time frame, but I really liked ANdy Taylor's work after DD. For instance, The Power Station. TPS was a terrific band. Their album holds up - it still sounds good. Andy did some nice solo work - "Take it Easy" is a good track. Did some terrific work with RObert Palmer and Rod Stewart. Did some good stuff for Belinda Carlisle as well. The guy was red hot as the 80s went on. Then, and I never knew why - he literally disappeared off the face of the planet. For years. We thought he was dead or something. ANyway, most certainly, he is best known for being in Duran Duran. But don't discount the rest of his 1980s work. He did some great stuff in that decade outside of DD. Of course from the 90s on, he didn't do anything of note that I know of. Ok, that's my take and I'm sticking to it, LOL. NIce chatting with you today - best wishes.




I think you're selling their early 90s music short. As much as I love 80s-era Duran Duran, my favorite song from them is "Ordinary World," which is one great song (and "Come Undone" is a great song from that era also). I believe the guitarist from that era wrote both of those songs (Warren C.--I can never remember how to spell his last name and I'm too lazy to Google it...I believe he was in Missing Persons and got into porn also). But they did have a nice rebound in the early 90s.


You may be right. It is true, the fragmented version of DD made a comeback in the early 90s.

OW was a big hit. I think "Skin Trade" was another.

For me personally though, one was way past DD - I had absolutely no interest in the band by the time the 90s rolled around.

On a side note, one did take interest in the original band reunion of the early 2000s. But I didn't care for the album they cut - "Astronaut" I believe it was called.

To me, Duran Duran is an 80s band, of the 80s, at their best in the 80s.


Yes, those are all good points that you make. I think most people think of Duran Duran as an "80s band" (as you mentioned) and that's when they had most of their hits.

A lot of it just boils down to personal preference and I was just blown away by "Ordinary World" when it came out. Duran Duran had kind of hinted at a more "introspective" side with some of their 80s songs (You previously mentioned "Save A Prayer"...I think that's a great song also), but they really captured it on "Ordinary World." They really nailed that's my favorite song from them.

Regardless of the era, I've always thought Duran Duran never got enough credit for their musicianship. They're a really talented band and Simon LeBon has one of the great singing voices. His voice still seems to hold up pretty well today, from what I've read & heard.
