In the last three months we have heard Hollywood celebs go absolutely insane and say the most outrageously vile things that would get any average joe locked away forever. We have listened as celebs have physically threatened Trump voters, say stuff like how they would like to see the White House bombed, and now this lunatic Silverman saying she wants to see our own government overthrown in a military coup. I have had enough of this. I have never heard such vile, crazy stuff come from Hollywood in my life, not even when George W Bush was President. This has got to stop and Hollywood stars need to start being held accountable like everybody else. Arrest Sarah Silverman NOW!


I agree... These whiny, entitled, self-absorbed script-readers need to stick to THEIR JOBS, and STFU about EVERYTHING ELSE. Being a convincing liar in front of cameras DOES NOT give you ANY "political enlightenment" or "moral superiority"-- nor does it give you any type of superior intellect about the government's actions. You do YOUR job, send let the people who were ELECTED by the citizens of the United States do theirs. Nobody needs a bunch of hypocrites acting as some sort of moral police, from their ivory towers, with their heavily armed entourages. You idiots are COMPLETELY out of touch with REALITY, and the chaos that you're advocating WILL be unleashed on YOU if you push it to that point-- and it won't matter how many bodyguards you have...


Just like Medical Doctors should Stay In Their Lane and not point out the consequences of Gun Violence?
Tell your Koch buddies to stop funneling Millions of $$ to influence our citizens.
In the Yoo Ess uv AAy, people have a right to voice their opinion, and if they have a larger platform, good for them.


Hey I am happy to see I agree with you on all these actors and actresses we keep crossing paths with on this site. I will go on record now and say I would bet any amount of money that all these Liberal morons who we have to see and hear on TV and Social Media every day have now started to cry to those who run IMDB that they don't like seeing what is being written about them from the "real" Americans that don't have a microphone and Hollywood to fall back on. I will bet that these Libs are the reason that as of February 20th we will no longer be able to comment on these fools and their garbage films! Silence us again, these Libs only believe in Freedom of Speech if it is the speech talk they crap out of their mouths. Anyone else agree with me or you think I am off?


smh. Rant on, dog.


I agree 100%


Well, it not's just a rock era thing, stars in the 1940s did the same thing (Jerry Lewis, gifted pioneer that he truly was, is under attack by some but beloved by modern stars, Sinatra took aim at Doris Day, Frankie Laine and others for going 'mothers and grandma' music instead of the standards'..)_ Liberal morons go back to 1940s singers who sloammed BIng Crosby and Al Jolson for being for old folks, so it's not just a thing from the 1950s to today,either. Far rght or not Ted Nuigent and Shannen Doherty got in huge troubnle,too..SC who loves most of the above and Sarah Silverman and is n eutral compared to all of this. Your attacks are like the dopes in the Vietnam War that got Bugs Bunny, Yogi Bear and the 3 Stooges off for c orrupting young minds --- Peggy Charren, the late PIG who founded Action for Childrens TV> Maybe ANimaniacs is your thing.


But how many celebs have actually PHYSICALLY ATTACKED Trump voters / supporters? And Madonna was roundly booed when she made that remark about bombing the white house (which she said was a FANTASY, not an ACTUAL PLAN, mind you). The Secret Service is supposedly looking into that remark. And if Sarah was truly some sort of threat to society, the feds are welcome to come after her.


And here we are half a decade later and the feds have oddly left both Madonna and Silverman alone.

But they still better watch their mouths, those mouthy lefty bitches. Because feds. Because Trump!! I imagine they are scared. What if he Tweets about them? Oh the humanity...


I agree - there is a difference between actions and words. But that distinction must hold good for people anywhere on the political spectrum. So that means Milo Yiannopoulos should be free to speak at university campuses (or on any other public platform).

I believe the reason for the anger - here on these soon-to-be-removed message boards and elsewhere - is that the MSM will in the main say nothing critical about Trump-hating liberal public figures who make explicitly threatening remarks hidden behind the veil of hypothesis ("I've thought about doing this..."), whereas the likes of Milo are lambasted simply for making fun out of political correctness.

In both cases just words, yes, but imo the threat of violence is much closer to the surface in the likes of Madonna's remarks than Milo's.

And are Mad-onna (clue's in the name), or Sarah Silverloon censured in any way by influential organisations? (Beyond those of declared conservative outlets, that is.) Are they banned from Tw@tter?


You're 100% correct. And speaking of Milo and that piece of sht site, Twitter-- he was PERMANENTLY BANNED, and all he did was make some less-than-flattering comments about Leslie Jones, a public figure, but some of his followers apparently were "too mean" to her, so Milo was banned for "racism". Yet, I can't even tell you how many times I've LITERALLY seen "Fk white people"-- and all kinds of other anti-white, RACIST comments, and not only do those people not get banned, but those tweets aren't even deleted. The PATHETIC double-standards and hypocrisy, divided by race, gender, and political affiliation, are disgusting.


Yeah, because Milo Yiannopoulos isn't an utter piece of worthless dog faeces who has built a career on spreading dangerous ideologies without ever contributing a single thing to make the world a better place.

Fucking sick pedophile apologist. He can suck it and so can you.


Agree, 100%

Paddle faster....I hear banjos!


Enjoy your time on Planet Trump Loony-ville. Not even half of what you are saying is even close to being true. Just like your anointed leader, people like you begin frothing at the mouth over caring people expressing their concern over the direction this Great Nation has gone. There are so many holes in this comment I can't begin nor care to go there. Take some aspirin and calm that fevered imagination, please. I'd hate for you to take action on all this hate you have boiling inside of you.


So, let me guess, you were on Planet Nobama and wanted Planet HeyLIARy?


Great response. I'm see you aren't capable of giving a thoughtful reply. Keep finding posts you can randomly drop in on and troll. You've found your niche.


Yeah, like your post went into so much detail and had such great depth.

I simply responded in kind. Go back and read your ad hominem non-argument and you might see what I mean. You get what you give.


SS is a comedian and Trump is a joke. I doubt she ever said anything about military coups. If someone threatens to bomb the White House, it should be investigated. And everybody who seems to feel they have to be outraged every time an entertainer wants attention and they come from the Liberal camp, have at it. We should all have better things to be paying attention to, like the corrupt infection this buffoon is spreading throughout our Great Country. And when it comes to lying, Hilary is a rank amateur compared to the Donald.


I agree that we shouldn't freak out every time a friggin' comedian makes a radical political joke. But if you're not aware of HeyLIARy's rank history of lying I have to question where you get your news. Remember her hammered and bleached hard drives? Yup, she's not hiding anything.

And then you're so vague about Trump's "corrupt infection... spreading throughout this Great Country." Actually, he's making this country great again after 8 years of NObama, aka Mr. "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" (talk about lying).

Study the actual facts rather than the LIEberal slander of the lamestream media and you'll discover many great things happening:

- Adding more than 4 million jobs
- An 83% increase in arrests of the MS-13 thugs (let me guess: You're gonna write back and say this is "racist," lol)
- Two quality new justices on the Supreme Court
- Unemployment in all demographics at its lowest since '69
- Updated trade deals with Mexico & Canada that will produce benefits for American manufacturers far more than the NAFTA deal ever did
- The successfully negotiated release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from a Turkish prison
- A more realistic foreign policy in confronting America's enemies.
- Tax cuts
- Wise deregulations
- Booming economy
- An 8% increase in black support for conservative politicians as they prudently jump ship from the Demoncraps (speaking as an Independent)

I could go on and on.


Well, go on and on. Doesn't mean you are standing on solid ground. You bring up the same economics to support a specious theory. The economy is great? Only if you cherry-pick stats and repeat the same thing repeatedly in one post. Stock Market is a a Roller-Coaster, (but not of love, oo-whoo-whoo-whoo). Tariffs are hurting American manufacturers and farmers. "Democraps" only furthers to undermine your argument. Sloppy and reckless slurs makes you sound like your ears are stopped up. Try a little harder if you want to convince anyone you've actually thought about this in any depth.


"Democraps" only furthers to undermine your argument. Sloppy and reckless slurs makes you sound like your ears are stopped up.

And yet your OPENING STATEMENT on this thread was "Enjoy your time on Planet Trump Loony-ville," which explains my corresponding approach. Like I said: "You get what you give"; it's the law of reciprocity.

I suggest you try practicing what you preach, my friend.

Also, there's no depth to your casual write-offs of Trump's great accomplishments. He has done in a mere 2 years what Obama couldn't do in eight. And, unlike Obama, he hasn't had the gushing media in his pocket (an unofficial arm of the Dem party). Not to mention his administration lacks the scandals & incompetence of Obama & Hilary, e.g.:

- IRS targeting conservatives
- The Benghazi fiasco
- The "spontaneous reaction to a video" LIE
- Fast & Furious
- The Bowe Bergdahl farce
- Legally allowing mentally ill men to use the women's restroom
- Solyndra
- V.A.
- NSA domestic spying
- The absurd $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran
- The $800 billion non-stimulus and the non-"shovel ready" jobs it created

Need I go on?

Lastly, your criticisms of Trump are always so vague whereas my criticisms of LIEberal politicians & their media is specific.


IRS has been caught targeting liberals as well
Benghazi was an actual witch hunt, unlike the Mueller investigation.
The video played a minor part in the Benghazi attack (ansar al sharia confirmed so)
Fast and Furious began under another name before Obama took office
Bowe Bergdahl was an American citizen putting the military in an unusual position
Describing a transgender as mentally ill is your personal opinion with no science behind it
The majority of Solyndra's income was actually from oil
V.A. was the same situation before Obama took office, and still is under Trump
NSA was the same sitaution before Obama took office, and still is under Trump
The money involved in the Iran deal was their own -- money we had no way of spending
The stimulus helped bring unemployment from 10% down to 5%, very similarly to where it is now but with Trump claiming credit for all of it.

Your whole post was a fucking joke.

Trump supported the repeal of Net Neutrality which means the big ISP's like Comcast now have the freedom to limit bandwidth to any site they choose.
Trump supported the selling of your privacy to ISPs.
Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy are what prompted GM to cut labor so they could focus on stock buybacks, which is the next economic bubble about to burst.
Trump sells weapons to the Saudis because he's on their leash and he has real-estate plans there.
Ivanka was caught in the same email scandal that Hillary was investigated for for 2 years.
Kushner was also caught using private email.
Paul Manafort, Trump's primary campaign manager, was busted for money laundering, tax fraud, and witness tampering, as well as leaking Mueller secrets to Trump's lawyers.
Roger Stone, Trump's friend for decades and campaign adviser, had advanced knowledge of wikileaks dumping emails stolen from the DNC by Russia who did so to help Trump win the election.
The Trump Organization was caught evading $500 million in taxes.
Trump campaigned hard against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (Bernie did first), and although it was one of the first things he canceled after taking office, he sneaked it into NAFTA.
Trump's buddy Joe Arpaio let Luis Bracamontes go before Bracamontes killed a cop during the Bush admin, and Trump turned around and blamed Democrats for it.

Trump supported single-payer before he was told not to.
Trump supported pro-choice before he was told not to.
Trump supported the birther movement because Jerome Corsi told him to.

Need I go on?


I think you are so blinded with your allegiance to your leader that you'll accept anything coming from this administration as gospel truth, and anyone who doesn't agree is the enemy. I see so many nasty, hateful, reckless posts coming from the far wrong wing, some times I forget to be diplomatic. There are so many criticisms to be leveled against Trump, I'm overwhelmed and don't want to spend half an hour barely getting through half of it. Tax returns, anyone? See? That's an easy one. Yet he needs to hide his crooked business dealings while claiming to be representing US.
Like I said, Silverman is a comedian and Trump is a joke and an object of ridicule.


snepts is a fucking moron.... pay no attention to that low IQ loser


More trolling from the Trump Deranged! Lefties are the hate-filled bigots.


Thanks. Always helpful to hear from the arch-right what's wrong with the rest of us. Anybody living through this nightmare of the Trump presidency has every right to be deranged over it. I don't hate anyone, but I sure wish they would quit defending this lying, evil, self-serving abomination.
