MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Captain America Punching Hitler was Once...

Captain America Punching Hitler was Once Controversial

Too bad articles like these are motivated by TDS! NAZI parties existed in Europe and the Middle East too.

In 1941, the people of the United States got their first taste of a superhero known as Captain America. This star-spangled soldier introduced himself to the world by punching Adolf Hitler in the face. Can’t get more American than that, right?

Hitler had quite a number of supporters over here in the US. A group called the German American Bund held a 20,000-person protest in New York City in 1939. Though many Americans despised Hitler, he had enough support that American Nazi rallies in the 1930s were not uncommon.

Captain America was as political a comic as any. Written and drawn by Simon and Kirby, both Jews, the comic had a cover date of March 1941 – nine months before the Pearl Harbor attack pushed America into World War II. Following up the image of Cap decking the Fuhrer, Captain America #2 featured a similarly anti-Hitler cover.

The anti-Hitler sentiment didn’t go unnoticed. Simon and Kirby got angry phone calls and death threats. People in the Timely Comics were afraid to leave the office for lunch due to ominous-looking groups that gathered outside. Luckily for the employees, it happened that New York City’s mayor Fiorello LaGuardia happened to be a comics fan.


guess which side was upset, conservatives or the left??


Well, if what the OP said is true, only the small handful of American Nazi sympathizers were upset, everyone else enjoyed it.

But if you really wanna play this game, since the Nazis were bigoted socialists, and the American Left is known for embracing socialist ideals and displaying bigotry with anyone that doesn’t agree with them, then if anyone else was upset about Cap punching Hitler, I’d say it was the Left/liberals.


20k in one city is pretty impressive.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH please name the socialist policies the nazis implemented?


1. industry still stayed in private hands
2. the word privatization, was literally invented for what the nazis did in the 30s. diverting government control form industry to make their big business supported happy

ill wait


If you’re asking about what policies or programs the American left has implemented: Obamacare, minimum wage increase, Medicare, Medicaid.

Only the private companies that supported Nazism were allowed to stick around. It’s very similar to today where most if not all major American companies are extremely biased in favor of liberalism. Whatever the democrats can’t do because of laws, the companies can do thanks to being “private”.


Hitler was not a leftist; he was definitely an anti-Communist. The word "socialism" in "National Socialism" was the party's attempt to redefine the term.


He was anti Russian communism, sure, but he very much liked their ideas and wanted to implement them for his own benefit benefit and that of the Nazi party. Not unlike how the American Democrats claim to hate Nazi Germany but seem to love its ideas for controlling people and censnoring any opposition.

As for the socialism prefix, Democrats also tried to do the same by pushing “democratic socialism”, it’s still socialism no matter what word is added in front of it.


Every sane person is anti-Communist, only Marxists are triggered by that. Many socialists like Orwell were anti-Communist.


The Nazis were not socialists. "National Socialism" means the centralized state directs the economy. The economy is still capitalist and the capitalists still own industry.


"National Socialism" means the centralized state directs the economy.

Socialism: Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

Thanks for proving my point.


That's not the definition of socialism. Try the Oxford English Dictionary, the dictionary of record for the English language.

And the government didn't own industry under Nazism anyway. The capitalists did.


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.


Yes, it is the definition of Socialism, according to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

As I said in other posts, the only so-called "capitalists" and "private" businesses that were allowed to exist were those that supported the Nazis, as they had accumulated the power and support to keep everyone else in line through fear and intimidation. So yes, they essentially owned the industry.


I'll go with Oxford, thank you very much.

Nazi Germany had a planned economy and the wealthy industrialists obviously didn't defy Hitler. But the capitalists still profited from their businesses. There was no socialism.

From Yale University on the fact that the Nazis never nationalized private property:

The Role of Private Property in the Nazi Economy

the German state of the period, contrary to the Soviets, had not nationalized industry.


What did Hitler do that we could compare to the socialism that the democrats push for?


Easy answer- the Democrats supported Hitler, the Republicans denounced him. Eventually everyone came around, though it took quite a bit to get the left onboard, and it was really only when he began challenging the Soviet Union that they fully denounced him.


citation please


Citation? History books would be a good start. This isn't some secret thing. It's well documented in history texts.


burden of proof. welcome to grade 10 philosophy.


The question is when?

Hitler was always a dick, but before he started running amuck with his blitzkriegs and well before the wholesale atrocities his regime caused became widely known, he was respected if not actually admired by many people of all political sides.
