Surrogate baby

An eternal peasant made this wealthy barren woman a baby...

Life extension of the wealthy will plunge humanity into darkness.


Eek!! Can you imagine this thing raising a kid?? Good thing it'll be raised by nannies instead.


I feel gyped. I wanted to see months of Paris pregnancy pictures.


Whites in America are known to be evil! Imagine if the Paris baby was black. A stolen negro child.
Tom Cruise have a negro son :


What she's doing is evil. She's growing baby embryos in a lab and selecting the ones taht she wants and then the rest are more than likely being murdered. She said that she will keep doing this until she gets a girl. So, how many more babies is she going to kill before she gets what she wants. What a sick freak she is. Anyone applauding this insanity is just as evil as she is.


I've seen gay men/couples attacked for having children via surrogacy, but it seems that rich white celebrity women like Paris Hilton and Amber Heard get a complete pass for *using* poorer women as baby-making receptacles.

Yet another sign of modern 'woke' society's intrinsic *homophobia* (against gay MEN) and misandry (and BEFORE any misguided, self-styled SJWs, 'feminists' and 'wokesters' attack me, remember, I am standing up for GAY men; so FUCK YOU homophobes 😠).
