MovieChat Forums > Kevin Hart Discussion > Homophobic into his 30s but says he's "g...

Homophobic into his 30s but says he's "grown"?

The dude said he'd never do play a gay role only a few years ago and made two extremely homophobic films ("Get Hard" and "The Wedding Ringer") in 2015.

Yet Kevin Hart is now saying that he's "grown"?


Bullshit, neither of those is homophobic. Check their boards.

One of the White Liberals who ratted him out tweeted Hart stopped those "evil" tweets in 2011. Seven years and you're forgiven, it's in the Bible!


"Get Hard" is literally about a man being terrified of homosexual assault in prison.

"The Wedding Ringer":


> "man being terrified of homosexual assault in prison"

That's not a phobia, that's reality. LibTards have lost touch with reality, so everything they believe is fucking bullshit!

So what if there are "gay joke" movies. Doesn't mean their hateful. More LibTard insanity!


Dude, you're rambling about nothing and calling complete strangers "LibTards" on the internet.

Get a grip...


Obama was against gay marriage in 2008, Wikileaks showed the Clintons were against gay marriage privately even as they supported it publicly. Bernie Sanders was against gay marriage in his 40s.


All Liberals are complete hypocrites. As soon as they sense the societal wind changing about certain topics, they start virtue signalling and pretending that they felt the same way all their lives. It happens much more frequently now due to social media and their past statements are all online at our fingertips, so we really gain an understanding of just how despicable their hypocrisy is.


Exactly. They scream about climate change all the time yet at environmental protests they always leave a ton of trash behind. They scream about climate change then they go and buy oceanside property in Florida. They scream about letting refugees and illegals in but live in white neighborhoods.

I'm getting tired of their hypocrisy and lies.


What they're tolerant of now won't be tolerable in a decade from now. So yes, hypocritical in a sense. RESIST!!


OMG dude, I don't care about your crazy political theories.

What does Kevin Hart being homophobic have to do with Wikileaks...


OMG, you are retarded! All he said is Wikileaks was his source.

Posting FACTS is not "crazy political theories". You are the raving lunatic here!


Facts about Kevin Hart, whom the topic is about, not Liberal conspiracy theory nonsense.


In Australia our version of your Democrats actually stopped a referendum on Gay marriage when they were in power. It was our version of the Republican's who ended up putting it up to the people to decide. Despite this the Left in their constant state of amnesia still blame the Republican's for not letting people vote on it!


Happens all the time. Republicans proposed legalizing birth control pills over the counter without a doctor's prescription. Democrats voted it down because it could undermine the insurance mandate in Obamacare. Republicans are seen as anti-birth control. But it's the insurance system that takes all the control away from women.


Yep, the Left play the man rather than the ball.


Never heard of him!


He's comments aside why is it so bad to not want to play a "Gay role"?


Can we not say all liberals are wrong or all conservatives are wrong about everything?? I happen to love people dearly on both sides and I think it’s not productive being so extreme


I think it is amazing how Liberals ever since they have been losing ground have been calling for less extremism. When they were ahead they were not in the mood for mercy at all. Fuck them the way they treated people who disagreed with them will be the way they are treated.


All liberals? That’s utter nonsense and completely unfounded.
I think you are just an angry hateful person and that’s fine, but nobody is going to listen to you. You seem like the kind of angry lonely person that doesn’t even realize how angry and lonely you are.


I don't like liberals either.


At least you said don’t like...
That’s easier to swallow than hate... not all liberals are bad and not all conservatives are bad. The hateful closed minded people on both sides are the problem.
